Why Men Keep Being Weak With Women


I saw it again a few weeks ago at a festival. Another guy following around a girl he likes like a puppy. I know this girl. Friendly and very quiet and cute with a nice figure. It was sad and pathetic seeing that guy staying latched on to her the whole time. He even did the classic move of coming back to sit and eat with her. He either doesn’t know she has a boyfriend - and she’s not saying it. Or he knows but still thinks he can try to work his magic on her. Or, she’s done with her boyfriend and he thinks he can go in for the kill. Either way, he is not a winner, even if he thinks he is.

Why Men Keep Being Weak With Women

Yes, he is another “simp,” even if women don’t like that term. It doesn’t change the truth of the matter. No guy should be so latched on to a woman to a point of acting as if he’s going to lose her or another guy will steal her if he doesn’t be her ball and chain 24/7. That’s not confidence, and it pushes women away even more. Sadly, a lot of guys today do not realize this.

Men are taught to be weak

But it’s actually not entirely men’s fault that so many are weak with and for women. It’s largely because men are raised to be this way. Growing up, men are still being taught to behave like a gentleman with women, to be soft and romantic to appeal to them or as a form of respect in courtship or dating - which are not wrong values, but these guys do exactly these things thinking a woman will love them for it, when that doesn't always happen. This is what ends up making them look like simps or ‘nice guys.’ And women use men who want to be very loving and giving to them. Even Courtney Ryan mentioned this:

Imagine all the mothers out there who have taught their sons to be a good gentleman for a woman, that this is what women want, when instead many will just see these gentlemen as easy pushovers. It is sad and totally wrong, but true. Even many of these mothers have used a man at one point or another in their lives, and sometimes their own daughters have learned it from their moms. Women have no less of a fuck ‘em and chuck ‘em mentality than men do, they just do it in different ways.

Men are also taught that women are pure and want good men

We have also been falsely teaching men to think all or most women are of a refined and upright nature who want nice, decent men. And there are plenty who do, but also plenty who really just want to use decent men.

Because of it, men today still believe most women are romantic, only want sex inside of a relationship, and can be won with kindness and love. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Which is also why a lot of these guys end up in absolute mental and emotional down spirals when they find out some girl they liked was nowhere near the innocent, celibate maiden they pretended to be, or what he wanted to believe was the case. They drown in a funk when they find out she slept with another guy, or already was. Or they later on realize such a sweet girl they were into was using him the whole time just to get something or some other guy.

Why Men Keep Being Weak With Women

But women too want men to believe they’re all looking for love, looking for a gentleman who wants to go on dinner dates, who will care all about them, etc. Which they are, but they’re picking and choosing which men they want this from. They see a decent guy as a great catch for a relationship, would make a great father, and they’ll even try to withhold sex from him as a way to either make him work for it or see if he’ll still want her if he’s not getting it. Meanwhile she’s having sex easily with men she knows aren’t good quality and she would never marry them but they excite her sexually.

Men are afraid of standing up to women

This is a fact. Most men will not take a stand for their own respect and demand it from a woman because they’re afraid she will get angry, hate him, and leave him. This is another reason they are so weak with women and is the core of their fear, and why so many guys will just keep tolerating shit from a woman and keep being a pushover.

But again, this is not entirely men’s fault. Parents, society, and women themselves have taught men old, foolish, outdated 1950s ideas that if you do anything a woman doesn’t like you’re going to “end up in the dog house” or she’s going to leave you for someone else and you’ll end up alone. And we also largely disable men’s defenses by teaching them the lie that taking a stand for respect is misogynist and disrespectful to women, while it’s okay for women to disrespect the man. We are constantly trying to put this crap into guys’ minds so that they will forever be a slave to women’s emotions, manipulation, and selfishness.

Why Men Keep Being Weak With Women

Tons of guys live in fear that a woman will stop talking to him if he stands up to her. They’re afraid of the silent treatment, afraid she will abandon him. And this kind of slavery is exactly what women do want over men because it’s how they can control and manipulate them. Most women think they can talk to you however they want to, behave with you however they want, because they figure they’re a woman and no one will say she’s wrong, and they know you are a man who is not going to put her in her place because you’re attracted and want to be nice to her. Men allow women to disrespect them, and women know it and that is why they aren’t changing.

Demanding respect gets you respect

Meanwhile guys don’t realize - which, again, is not their fault - that demanding respect is what actually makes a woman end up giving it, even if they try to act like they hate you for it. And men who want respect and aren’t afraid of losing a woman for it are exactly the ones that women will try to hold on to, because they don’t like the idea that he could leave her and find better.

Why Men Keep Being Weak With Women

It wasn’t until I had enough with a long time female friend awhile back that she later on realized how she fucked up and what she lost. She always thought I would be a sissy who would tolerate her punches, and she saw that turned out not to be the case. She didn’t like that I stood up for myself. Then months later she wanted to reach out, and I know it was only because she wanted something. I never responded. Once a woman fails the test, don’t keep tolerating it. She’s already shown you who she really is, and she will just do it again. Move on to better. Sometimes walking away is getting respect.

Just try to be different and see what happens

I too was once a weak simp in my youth, and I learned from it and that's why I share all this. What if I told you that you wouldn’t die like you think you will if you woke up from this weakness? What if I told you that you will not only be stronger but you will be more attractive as well? I’m not saying you need to switch over to all that bullshit foolishness about being a badass to be respected or attract women. Any woman who loves men like this are not good quality and you don’t want that. But I am saying you need to learn to accept yourself and value your self-respect even if she doesn’t. If any woman can be disgusted, “turned off,” stop talking to you, or even laugh because you want to be respected, she is not a woman you will want in the end anyway, and she will show you that.

Why Men Keep Being Weak With Women

Don’t feel like you have to be desperate to be around the girl you like day and night. Don’t think you have to do nice things for her. And don’t even think you have to be super kind to her either just because you like her or she's pretty. They want you to be so they can control you. Don’t give it. Just be you. Any woman who really likes you is going to return the interest, care, concern, time, and respect. Break free from the mindset that you have to be a certain way in the hopes that a girl will want you or want to stay connected to you.

Namaste, and good luck.

Why Men Keep Being Weak With Women
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