My ex finally got arrested for domestic violence on someone else.. I’m upset that justice took so long


In 2014, I was beaten so badly by my ex and he got away with it every time. He beat me for so many years😭😭 we broke up and he was sending text messages to his phone as if it was me. He was also beating on that girl and she was hit in the mouth by him

My ex finally got arrested for domestic violence on someone else.. I’m upset that justice took so long

His family ties with the state allowed him to leave me in my own blood and snatch my phone away to make sure I didn’t take any pictures. He nearly killed me in my apartment. I came across him just a normal meeting. He didn’t know that I was in law enforcement during the time. The state changed handling of domestic violence cases because of what happened to me. This man was allowed to go to the courthouse and file a protection order against me whenever he felt like it. He choked me, threw me all over the house where other neighbors could hear it. I fought like hell trying to get someone to help me but he was too protected. This man had me looking like a suspect while he is the victim. They allowed this man to do whatever to me because of who his mama was connected with. Him and his brothers got away with everything including murder. I remember my neighbors called 911 for me and they held that called for an hour. Officers realized the address and I could still see tears in their eyes. A step up was ordered for my address. I remember his brother was charged with murder and went home instead of prison. the judge didn’t know he wasn’t there until a police officer pulled him over in a traffic stop. I fought the fake charges that my ex put on me and filed appealed to circuit. It got assigned to the judge that knew this family was supposed to been in jail. He asked me”how long will it take to get a lawyer”? I told the judge not long, and the judge told me”don’t come back to this court room without a lawyer” The state couldn’t keep these people in jail for shit. I remember I was trying to get someone to help me and got threatened with jail. I remember going to talk with the officers that allowed this abuse to go on and I was told by another investigator that I needed to stop coming up there. Nobody would help or talk to me. Basically what was done was done. I was crying in tears because that man was beating my ass and nobody helped. When he came to the house, he would take my phone from me and have his cousin to bring it back. my lip was busted and swollen. I even filed for an order of protection and the prosecutor told me that I couldnt file on him because he filed on me first. I was trying to find anybody to help me but there was nobody. I remember the days I had to quit my job, slept in the dark out of fear, and walked one hour to the river park to sleep there. I was terrified of this man because he was getting away with everything. He was the one that told me that no man would love me and I would never have any good luck in life. He told me this while I was being beaten by him. It was a roadblock everywhere I went for help.. these corrupt people had me spending thousands of dollars on a lawyer and a dirty prosecutor lying about where I was arrested. These people came to my house one day after work, and their police officer lady friend was there too. My ex mom had the warrant in her hand basically they allowed her to serve the warrant herself. They arrested me and the sheriff released me. The dirty prosecutor told my lawyer I was arrested at his house when indeed they was over at my house harassing me, torturing me and so much more. She wouldn’t turn over nothing and wouldn’t return the lawyer calls at all. These people can be at your property and you’re going to jail instead of them. She refused to communicate with my lawyer and sent the case paperwork the day before actual court. They dragged this case in the justice system on for years due to investigators request because the amount of mess. They recommended an order of protection on me and I haven’t seen this man in years. By the time trial started, I was married already. The police officer who didn’t even help but instead help him is being brought to trial as well. I fought the case up into circuit court and it was assigned to a specific judge. I learned this morning that he was the judge that ordered the investigation. Had I never fought those fake charges, and had I not filed that appeal, he wouldn’t have never went to jail for beating up another girl. In fact, he wouldn’t have never gotten caught. These people were allowed to harass me whenever they wanted to. My calls for 911 went unheard because they called the officers who believed their bullshit.

now he moved to a different city and beat on this girl. He finally went to jail in December and was charged with beating her. They taking my case to trial and hers starting September of this year. It’s a complete jury trial for him

My ex finally got arrested for domestic violence on someone else.. I’m upset that justice took so long

his charges are




they will also be adding felony battery/assault against law enforcement officer. Harassing communications, assault w/deadly weapon and much more.

I was early on in my law enforcement career and I just happened to meet him. Of course nobody knew who I was and still to this date don’t. I was just working in the healthcare profession. This is why I fight so hard for people because I don’t want nobody going through what I went through. I fought like hell against this family because this man would have killed someone if I had not did what I did. I left an entire trail because I knew one day his family ties wasn’t gonna be able to save him. It took me yearsssss of getting over this shit and finally not being scared of a person knocking on the door. I believed everything he told me! Man I worked my ass off when I seen what he was getting away with!

I remember this man came to my apartment while it was ice on the ground. he dragged me out the car and took my phone from me. He started beating on me and body slamming me. I can still feel the ground when I think about this. There was blood everywhere. So many 911 calls poured in and they didn’t respond until almost an hour later. I followed him up the road begging for my phone. He beat me again 😞

all the calls, reports, evidence, and etc have went missing. The lawyers couldn’t find nothing about the calls. It’s 2024 and we finally going to trial😭😭 I was told that he did the same thing to this girl he with now but this the first arrest. This man had me looking crazy to people while he left me on the ground with a swollen eye, neck, and etc. I couldn’t go to the hospital because the same people protecting him would show up as they always did

One day I got the strength to leave the apartment before he showed back up. I left everything in that house that couldn’t fit in the car. That man had me on the bed choking the fuck out of me.

My ex finally got arrested for domestic violence on someone else.. I’m upset that justice took so long
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