Ultimate insanity. Now "Black" males have superior genes to "Whites" making them more masculine? Who is being irrational here?


Here is is the quote of a popular GaGer.

"only the absolute hottest of white men are popular and celebrated. average white men are nowhere near as popular or as celebrated as the hot white men or average black men.
white women are more unique than other women not because of skin tone because some Asians have light skin tone too but because their features hair and eye color are not limited to just black and brown. these traits are extremely rare and recessive."

This guy claims that he is not an incel. So let's call him the great incel defender. And he along with a number of other incels here claim this to be true. This is one of their explanations as to why they can't get dates. As the explanation goes, average "White" males don't have a chance. . .I mean exceptional "White" males are celebrated. But the poor average "White" male doesn't even stack up to the average "Black" males. Somehow in a society where the absolute majority of "White" women prefer, seek out, and want "White" males. . and "White" males only, average "Black" guys (a distinct minority of the population mind you) are getting all the play.

Kris Bryant, the ultimate symbol of "White" male inferiority!
Kris Bryant, the ultimate symbol of "White" male inferiority!

To say nothing of Latinos and Asian males. Somehow this whole thing was caused by "Black" males who dominate two popular sports in America, football and basketball. And in basketball, Eastern Europeans are coming up fast. The world's most popular sports are all dominated by "White" males.

I wanted to take a step back and try to understand this guy. Perhaps this was just a charge being made of American society. But nope. He was making a global racial assertion. That somehow skinny little long distance runners from Kenya, Ghana, and Ethiopia were somehow in possession of more masculine traits. Again, I quote;

this makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. why do I have to mention the differences between African Americans and Africans when they're both have superior genetics to whites on average? unless you believe whites are sandwiched in between those two groups?

Really? Superior genes? Isn't it amazing, that "White" supremacy and "Black" supremacy are based upon the same nonsensical racist mythology? When will people realize that racial mythology is an absolute lie? There nothing sane about race theory or racism and when you engage in it, you reach nothing but a diverse array of nonsensical conclusions. Those conclusions can have devastating consequences like guys pretending that they can't do anything to change their fate in the dating arena. . .because of their race. WTF?!?!?

This guy and others like him. . .no matter what their foundational beliefs will never define what that superiority entails? What makes for a "Black" person in his own estimation? Oh the part of the genetic code that makes their skin darker. Then he proceeds to the logical fail of every racist in creation. That most "Black" people have deeper genetic commonality.


Even in Africa. . .even in specific parts of Africa, there are Africans who have more genetically in common with people outside of the continent than a citizen of their own nation. Because Africa is the source of the greatest genetic diversity on the planet. That's why scientists think it is where the human race began.

And when looking at African Americans, by his definition we are "mixed race". But no one cares about that. Because this is where the concept of race was invented. We are basically racially impure "Whites". Meaning that race was meant to define "White" people. It doesn't define anyone else. Most African-Americans have significant European ancestry. Because of slavery. Sure most of us have that ancestry strictly from European males. But a small portion of us have some ancestry from European females too. Because "Black" male slaves were having sex with European female indentured servants.

In America, we dont call her mixed.
In America, we don't call her mixed.
And yes, she identifies as being "Black" which mean African American.
And yes, she identifies as being "Black" which mean African American.

So here is the deal. After years here at GaG and being told on a daily basis that my race was inferior. And that this was just a logical, reasonable, and objective conclusion. I now run into the exact opposite, that "Black" racial supremacy is just a logical, reasonable, and objective conclusion. And that if I refuse to accept this. I am the irrational one. So. . .GaG. . .let me know. I mean racism and racists have been defended here as long as I have been a member. I mean how has this guy been able to walk around this site and never been confronted on this insanity? Or am I the irrational one? Is what the great incel defender says nothing but objective fact?

Ultimate insanity. Now "Black" males have superior genes to "Whites" making them more masculine? Who is being irrational here?
15 Opinion