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+1 y

Black girls are ugly?

Everyone has their own taste. I personally prefer lighter skinned women since they're the only ones that I can get sexually aroused by. There are some features black women have that I like... Dating

+1 y

What can Donald Trump do to earn more votes from women?

Why should Trump pander to any group? If people like his policies they will support him regardless of who they are. Ivanka said that there's a major announcement about issues such as tuition... Trending & News

+1 y

Are Canadians really that nice?

Not as nice as in the first video but we are seen as more polite as Americans. Other

+1 y

How Do I Know if Someone Likes Me?

I'm usually clueless. It would be best if a girl spelled it out for me. Flirting

+1 y

How do I become a trans racial korean girl?

I've always felt like I should be a transformer that could transform into a tank at will. That way I would never be stuck in traffic and always get my way. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Why are people too afraid to admit that BLM hates white people?

They should change their name to Thug Lives Matter. At least then they'd be honest about it. Society & Politics

+1 y

Why are all guys such horndogs?

Why aren't women more horny? Is a better question Guy's Behavior

+1 y

#HeteroSexualPrideDay isn't real... but should it be? Thoughts?

Neither should exist. Just fuck who you want as long as they're a consenting adult. There's no need for a parade to tell the world you like dicks. Trending & News

+1 y

Angelina Jolie vs Jennifer Aniston... Who's more beautiful?

Jennifer Aniston definitely. She's 47 and still looks amazing Other

+1 y

boyfriend didn't drive me home?

Well he was going to work so unless you wanted to wake him up earlier to have him drive you home and make it to work in time you'll have to settle on taking the bus. Relationships

+1 y

Transgender teen Jazz is only popular because she is passable?

He only has a show because Bruce Jenner who is a famous athlete went crazy and had a sex change. Now being transgender is a trend sort of like how coming out as gay was a trend a few years ago.... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

HELP? My girlfriend dominates me?

Break up with her. She's not worth your time Relationships

+1 y

The Br-exit (Britain Exiting The European Union) Good or Bad?

Bad very very bad. The EU allows for easy trade amongst its member nations, by exiting the UK jeopardizes that relationship. The Leave camp claims that there's too much red tape but that "red... Trending & News

+1 y

Do you believe that relationships are becoming extinct in western society?

Relationships exist trust me. I see girls with their boyfriends at every turn it's getting annoying. Society & Politics

+1 y

Would you rather have a pegasus or a unicorn?

I want a pegacorn. When I was little I wanted to see a pegasus with a unicorn horn. Other

+1 y

Why are adult men so immature?

Behavior and age are not correlated. You need to look for people with experience. Dating

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