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+1 y

Are nuns going extinct?

Seriously doubt that. Society & Politics

+1 y

Do men age worse than women?

In my area men age worse then women. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Booty call or possible rekindle?

Straight up booty call girl. This line is the nail in the coffin, "He asked me for an "ass pic" and I said no because we're not seeing each other and he just said ok". He didn't even try to make... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Women, would you date a man who earned less than you?

It depends on how drastic the difference is. I'm not trying to get involved with a guy who makes less then me and starts to resent me for it. Dating

+1 y

What to wear under the Halloween costume?

Red leggings or red opaque tights. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Are women attracted to violent men?

It's the strength and dominance. Relationships

+1 y

Do you like giving or receiving hugs more?

I like giving hugs. It's awkward when the person doesn't let go. :/ Family & Friends

+1 y

Do you know when someone has a crush on you?

No. Only if they are super obvious about like bringing me a flower or heavy flirting. Relationships

+1 y

Why did he stop liking me?

I can't be sure but it sounds like he expected you two to automatically "click" but you didn't so he didn't want to put anymore effort into it. The fact he said he was to busy playing video games... Dating

+1 y

Why are you females so shallow?

You may have the looks but you sound like you have a horrible entitled personality. I could only imagine what you would say to any girl who'd break up with you or the next girl to turn you down.... Dating

+1 y

My wife won't let me hang out with my best friend?

When you guys hang out you gotta start taking your spouses with you. I know it sounds unfair but both you and your friends spouse are not okay with this and you have to respect their request. You... Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

Who Should Pay on First Date?

Guy should pay. Guys always ask where I want to go our have me pick the place. They automatically pay for everything. Dating

+1 y

Girls, What is your opinions about guys who like to crossdress?

I would not date a cross dresser. I wouldn't even date a bi-sexual or trans. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Do you think men that get ear piercings are more feminine?

Depends on the earring they they get, the type of piercing, and their appearance. Guy's Behavior

+1 y

What are symbols of femininity and empowerment (tattoo ideas)?

What part of your body do you want it on and what size? Women's Day

+1 y

Hair thinking at 25, is there anything to be done to stop it?

Yes dermatologist do prescribe pills for hair grow (my cousin received it). Try Bosley? Health & Fitness

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