so girls, what you think about it?
Would you date?
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No judgement here. You like what you like and if it makes you happy, then by all means continue on. I often think to myself as a woman I am lucky in that I can wear mens clothes all day long to everything and every where and no one says anything about it, but we live in a world where that isn't mainstream or necessarily accepted for men. For me, hate to say it, but we could definitely be friends, but as partners, it wouldn't work for me, but I'm one person. There are definitely people that would totally love it on you.
Fine by me. I actually find it kind of cute. Good times for all.
It puts me off very much so...
So I wouldn't date someone who cross-dresses.
No. No. No. No. No.
I would never date a guy who cross dresses. I hate to sound vain, but I don't want to date a guy who is as feminine as I am. Masculinity is a must for me, and I'll keep that line drawn for clothing as well.
This world is officially degraded... You need to work on your hormones because that's unnatural, the girls who said they like it ate lying and they just want to be accepted by gayness because that's popular right now
No I wouldn't date you.
Honestly... I find it odd. As a joke to put other genders clothes on, fine. Hey if you are cold and it's the nearest thing, fine. But as something you seek pleasure from or comfort... To me that's odd. I don't get pleasure from clothes. Cross dressing for me is just one of those things.
As long as he knows his sexual orientation (straight) and doesn't get confused then am ok with it but only occasionally tho. If I see him do it everyday, it might be hard for me to think he is not a woman. loool
i cannot say hell no to be honest, even though my instinctual desire is very masculine men, and such an activity is along feminine lines, people all have specific preferences, you have just labelled it as cross dressing which is usually referred to as a 'kink'. There might be weird shit i do alone that would put someone off as well. Only in a situation can you know if such a 'kink' would truly put you off, but if the man is a good man for me, this is something i would overlook.
It's no big deal unless a guy borrowed my clothes and stretched and ruined them THEN there would be hell to pay... and also money to pay to replace them lol
I'm sorry. It's politically correct to say yes, but I've always been brutally honest. Frankly, I find it weird and repulsive, and no, I would not date.
I could easily befriend someone like you and put aside our differences, but never date.
I'm not interested in cross dressers. It's too feminine for me and puts me off.
Honestly no, I would wonder if he's really straight, it's very awkward and weird over all, it decreases his masculinity and virility...
I like my man to smell like testosterone not estrogen... :/
You do you, but I don't think I would be comfortable dating a guy who likes to do something that I consider sexually ambiguous. It would confuse me
You can't call yourself heterosexual dressing up in women clothes, No I would not date any guys who is the opposite of straight.
Do whatever you want, embrace it, but I personally wouldn't date a crossdresser, not something I find attractive.
I don't really care. If I really liked him, then I'd date a guy who did that but it doesn't really make much difference to me.
Whatever you want to do at home is fine with me as long as you're not hurting anyone but I wouldn't date you for fear that you'll stretch out all my cute undies.
If that's what you like to do, then go for it! I'm not sure if I would date a cross dresser though. If they just wore skirts and panties on occasion, but didn't necessarily dress entirely in girls clothing, I'd probably be fine with it.
I would not date a cross dresser. I wouldn't even date a bi-sexual or trans.
I'm attracted to masculinity, so I wouldn't date someone who cross-dresses, it's too feminine for my taste
I'm sorry but I don't think I could date a crossdresser, I don't think I could take them seriously in the relationship.
probably not but that doesn't mean other girls wouldn't
I cannot no judging or anything just not my cup of tea i like my men veryyyyy manly
Hey sure if that's what you're into.
But it's probably not my thing
It's cool that they are open to cross-dressing, but no I would not date a man who cross-dresses.
I think you better pull out that thing far away from you cause you are risking to loose great girls that way!
They can't be all that great if he has to change for them. Especially something so harmless.
Have fun. Life is short. If that's what makes you happy then keep it up. Its not hurting anybody.
Now, would I want to date a crossdresser? No.
I would.
Nothing really bothers me, if it makes someone happy I'll be happy.
(as in if you like pickles and the rest of the world didn't and it made you happy, I would not be bothered that pickles made you happy)
I'm personally against it so no I could not date a cross dresser
no I wouldn't date a guy that crossdressed that would be weird to see a guy wearing women's clouthes
Fuck no I would never date a guy who did shit like that. You may as well be a fag
I'm cool with it, i already know a guy like that who's really cute (he's taken but still)
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