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+1 y

Are your holy texts subject to revision?

don't really have much as for holy texts in my religion (wicca) all that's really there is like charge of the goddess, charge of the god, and the wiccan rede. but its not like something that we... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Whats your astrological zodiac sign AND birthstone? Whats your opinion on both?

I'm an aries, birthstone is diamond. hell yea, I got the horns! XD Other

+1 y

Woman told she can't take emotional support hamster on flight, flushes hamster down toilet. Thoughts?

so sad! she should have just gave the animal to someone else instead of making it drown. Trending & News

+1 y

They say Heaven is different for everyone... What's your heaven?

my heaven is being at my first metal concert haha XD and hurricanes are created by trump XD Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Is it okay for parents to kiss their children on the lips?

I grew up with a pretty affectionate family. my parents kissed me on the lips till I was 5 or 6. to me it isn't weird for parents to be that way. just don't include tongue haha Family & Friends

+1 y

Does your religion care if people are gay?

my religion doesn't care. simply views that everyone deserves love. my religion follows more along the beliefs of karma instead of sin. Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Why are guys so obsessed with boobs?

because to them, boobs are fun as hell. Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Should girls / women have to wear bras in public?

i'd only do it just so I won't have people staring at me. even if I've got a flatter chest lol XD though some chicks with bigger bust do say that they have to wear them for the support. Society & Politics

+1 y

Are tomboys still girlfriend material to you and why?

I'm a tomboy, and sheesh I've had guys still begging for my attention. Dating

+1 y

Anyone under 18, do you know what this is?

its a cassette tape! I had a few when I was little. my dad has boxes full of em!! Technology & Internet

+1 y

Why do so many guys do risky stupid things?

how come I was focusing more on that pink motorhead shirt than the guy's junk on fire? XD lol I think its just high amounts of testosterone. it makes them feel like they are gods and can do... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Do you have a good poker face?

it gets difficult for me to keep a good poker face after awhile Other

+1 y

The "slimming" fad: Girls insert alcohol drenched tampons to get drunk, your thoughts?

sounds pretty dumb, and more dangerous. probably would burn like a motherfucker. nah, lemme come home from a party with booze breath haha Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Theists, are you monotheist or polytheist? WHY?

Christians consider themselves monotheistic since they believe in one God. although to other people they think Christians are poly because of god and jesus Christ, and belief in the devil (though... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Do you believe in tarot card readings for love?

a lot of times its due to scam, and some people just see tarot readings as a joke. I do take them seriously though I believe in it. I've had a few readings done before and it all came out true. Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Who sounds better with the piano: electric guitar or acoustic guitar?

both would be good. as long as you work with more major chords that give that more upbeat tone. Entertainment & Arts

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