myTakes: Health & Fitness

The Lonely Road

I think it's impossible to explain in words to anyone who hasn’t experienced it. Fortunately most haven’t, because it isn’t just having a bad day, or feeling upset about something that’s happened or perhaps just being...

10 Reasons Why I Have Doubts About My Asperger's Diagnosis (Now Part Of The ASD Spectrum)

I was diagnosed with Asperger's during my early teen years, when it was still an official diagnosis, but lately I started to wonder whether there was a mistake in the diagnosis, or there's another personality trait that...

This is why you should use a bidet - short points

Bidet compared to only wiping is superior in my opinion for those reasons: 1) More hygienic - toilet paper or even wet wipes won't clean it effectively enough, at some point there will be more spreading than removing it...

Cold weather might be as essential as sunlight is I'm a little more friendly than I was just a few weeks ago. Not only that but people I meet are more friendly. For the past 3 days EVERYONE I MEET has been laughing uncontrollably...

A simple explanation for autism

It's actually not too simple at all. The people who did the research I read deserve a huge round of applause. What homocysteine is and what it does Homocysteine (HCY) is an amino acid produced in the body that, when...

# Should Women Wear Underwear to Sleep? # Should you sleep naked or wear pajamas to bed?

Everyone has their personal preference. However, even if you are a pajama wearer, you should consider going to bed “commando” (without underwear). Health Benefits of Sleeping Without Underwear Excess moisture around the...

What I've learned about copper and disease

For centuries, alchemists sought the philosophers stone. A stone that could transmutate any element into gold. The reason was not for wealth, it was for health. In fact many alchemists only cared if the substance appeared...

Child Neglect OR Abortion, are not related

Until recently i would never connect those two issues abortion with child neglect, but at least child neglect the kid lives, as i will explain. only recently a saw someone here TRY to justify abortion, to prevent child...

Office jobs and their demands for long hours are so unhealthy. You should exercise during the work day or you may suffer long term consequences

I’m 27, and have worked office jobs (now work remotely) for 5 years. I’ve worked closely with about 50 people during this time. Out of the 50 people, at least 40 were obese or somewhat overweight. 100% of the managers and...

Natural lifters shouldn't train in the same way as steroid users do.

Natural lifters shouldn't train in the same way as steroid users do. There are several reasons for this, including differences in hypertrophy response, recovery, and hormone levels. Hypertrophy Response One of the main...

Prioritizing Mental Health is a Basic Need for your Well-being

Prioritizing mental health involves making intentional efforts to take care of your emotional, psychological, and social well-being. This can involve a range of activities, such as: Practicing self-care: Taking time to...

Anxiety: A powerful and positive emotion

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines anxiety a few ways (all very similar): 1. Apprehensive uneasiness or nervousness usually over an impending or anticipated ill Mentally distressing concern or interest A strong desire...

What is hypotonia and How it affects me?

What is Hypotonia? Hypotonia is a muscle condition which effects the Muscle Tone, Dexterity and strength of the Body, unlike a normal human body I can't develop muscles not matter how hard I train. When was I diagnosed...

The Human Brain

The human brain is an incredibly complex and sophisticated organ, and it is the center of all of our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It is made up of billions of cells called neurons, which communicate with each other...

Breathwork and Breathing Practices for Stress Management

Breathing exercises can be a useful tool for managing stress, improving relaxation, and supporting overall health and well-being. There are many different types of breathing exercises that can be helpful in different...

The Physical and Mental Benefits of Lifting

Bodybuilding is a form of physical exercise that involves lifting weights and performing other exercises to increase muscle mass and strength. It is a popular activity among people who want to improve their physical...

What is Anxiety, what causes it, and how is it treated?

Anxiety is a normal and often healthy emotion. However, when a person regularly feels disproportionate levels of anxiety, it can become a medical disorder. Anxiety disorders form a category of mental health diagnoses...

What is depressiom, what causes it, and how is it treated?

Depression is a mental health disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest in activities. It can also cause physical symptoms such as changes in appetite, difficulty...

The importance of Mental Health and Self-Care

Mental health and self-care are crucial for overall well-being and happiness. Unfortunately, society often places pressure on individuals to prioritize work and other external obligations over their own well-being. As a...

Medicare Disadvantage: Don't let your parents or grandparents sign up for Medicare Advantage without knowing the facts first!

It's that time of year again. About all you see on TV and in mailboxes are advertisements about Medicare advantage plans. These advertisements with washed-up celebrities and athletes tend to brag about how having a plan...