Natural lifters shouldn't train in the same way as steroid users do.

Natural lifters shouldn't train in the same way as steroid users do. There are several reasons for this, including differences in hypertrophy response, recovery, and hormone levels.

Hypertrophy Response

One of the main reasons why natural lifters shouldn't train like steroid users is that the hypertrophy response is different. For steroid users, the hypertrophy response is constant, meaning they can gain a lot of size from blasting a muscle just once a week. However, for natural lifters, the hypertrophy response only lasts for 48 hours, meaning that hitting a muscle two to three times a week is more beneficial. This is because natural lifters don't have the same level of testosterone and growth hormone as steroid users, which are two key hormones for muscle growth.


The second reason why natural lifters shouldn't train like steroid users is recovery. Steroids aid recovery, which means that steroid users don't have to worry as much about over-training as natural lifters do. This means that steroid users can use a lot more volume than a natural lifter should. Natural lifters, on the other hand, have to be more cautious with their training volume and intensity to avoid over-training, which can lead to injury and hinder progress.


Finally, steroids are testosterone-based, which means that steroid users don't have to worry about the effect of cortisol lowering testosterone levels. Cortisol is a catabolic hormone that can break down muscle tissue and impede gains. Over-training can lead to higher cortisol levels in natural lifters, which can negatively impact their progress.

Quality Over Quantity

For natural lifters, it's important to focus on quality over quantity, cutting out any unnecessary exercises that don't contribute to overall muscle growth. You can do this by prioritising compound movements such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, overhead presses, pull-ups an rows. Compound movements involve using multiple muscle groups at once, which allows for greater overall muscle activation and increased hormone release. Additionally, compound movements also help to improve functional fitness more-so than isolation exercises do.


To sum up, natural lifters shouldn't train like steroid users because the hypertrophy response is different, recovery is different, and hormone levels are different. Natural lifters need to focus on hitting a muscle two to three times a week, being cautious with training volume and intensity, and managing their cortisol levels. By doing so, you can still make significant progress in your training and achieve their goals without resorting to steroids.

Natural lifters shouldnt train in the same way as steroid users do.
Natural lifters shouldn't train in the same way as steroid users do.
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