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+1 y

Girls, ıs there anyone lost weight by working out?

I've lost a lot of weight and toned up through working out. However, I paired working out with changes in my diet. Meaning smaller portions, less eating out, subbing in greens for a lot of the... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Can anyone with medical or neurological training help me figure this out?

Many of the things you've mentioned here sound like symptoms commonly seen in Bipolar disorder. However, it's hard to say for sure based off of what you've written in one paragraph. You should... Health & Fitness

+1 y

What is a dumb injury you have gotten because of carelessness?

I once got a nasty cut on my right palm when I was cutting some veggies and pressed down on the knife after positioning it correctly. Little did I know but I had laid it down with the blade up.... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Do you diet/exercise OR exercise/eat whatever you want?

A bit of both, with the 'eating whatever I want' being in moderation. I exercise 3-4x/week. 'Eating whatever I want' means eating out (sushi, pho, greek, etc.) once a week at most. Or having... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Do/did you get braces?

I had braces for 2 years, in addition to an expander + head-gear. Honestly, the one that bugged me the most was the expander. No fun starting high school with nobody that I knew and the lisp/gap... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Do you have a basic knowledge of nutrition?

yeah, of course I've got a basic knowledge of nutrition. (.. also, if I were the chick in the vid, I'd be more worried about how disproportionately large my hands were in comparison to the rest... Health & Fitness

+1 y

How many of you actually put in a lot of effort to stay in shape?

I put in quite a bit of work on the regular to stay in shape. Meaning I hit the gym at least every other day. I try to eat healthy most of the time, meaning lots of greens, minimal carbs, a cup of... Health & Fitness

+1 y

How do I get taller?

There's nothing you can really do to get taller. Assuming you're actually 17 years of age, the most you'll actually grow is maybe another cm or two. Other than that, your best bet at getting... Health & Fitness

+1 y

What's the worst illness or injury you've ever had?

I'm like the queen of injuries. Was in a car accident back when I was at the wee age of 14 that left me in the ICU, and in-hospital for several months after. Had my first ever seizure... Health & Fitness

+1 y

How do ballerinas dance on their tiptoes like this?

How do they do it? With a lot of training, prep-work, and bearing with the pain. You can read more about the different forms of preparation that must be undertaken, as well as common injuries... Health & Fitness

+1 y

How do you keep your skin flawless?

I don't wear make-up (aside from mascara). Though I'll assume that doesn't apply to you... I don't use any products on my skin either. None of those 'cleansing' wipes or anything that are loaded... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Anybody have cardio ideas? favorite type of cardio?

Elliptical. I do around an hour on it every day or every other day. It's a great form of cardio. Low impact so your knees/hips won't suffer, plus you can amp up the resistance to focus on... Health & Fitness

+1 y

How to stop my body from aching during workouts?

You should take a break day after 2 days of working out straight to give your muscles and body a chance to recover. If you overwork it, you'll increase chances of pulling a muscle or injuring... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Do you think you are healthy?

I like to think that I'm pretty healthy... I make sure to get my servings of greens on a daily basis. Try to eat healthy for the most-part aside from that, like not too many carbs, minimal... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Any tips on how to get through some anxiety?

Exercise helped me manage my anxiety a lot. When I'm feeling particularly anxious, as if I'm about to start hyperventilating quite often, or something, I go to the gym and push myself at cardio... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Okay gym goers. What does cardio do for your body? And will I get really bulky if I weight lift?

Cardio is great for losing weight, plus toning up. I'd recommend the elliptical with the resistance increased a bit.. It's great for you legs/ass, plus quite a good amount of calories getting... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Motivation to workout?

Just remember that you might have a nice body right now thanks to your always working out, but that the results could disappear very quickly should you stop working out and start eating pretty... Health & Fitness

+1 y

How often do you ride a bike?

I generally go for a bike ride with my boyfriend and some friends of ours once a week or every other week. Health & Fitness

+1 y

I have period like cramps but I'm not on my period? What's the deal?

you can get cramps at any time, not always related to your period. They're often related to exercise, or I'll often get cramps if I'm drinking way too much coffee and/or am a bit dehydrated.... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Have you noticed that only fat people drink diet soda?

nope. I've seen mostly girls who seem to be very valley-girl like drinking coke-zero or diet pop. Health & Fitness

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