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+1 y

How tall does Ariana grande look in this pic?

She still looks short, but her legs appear longer. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Is being colorblind a bad thing?

It can be... For some emergency reasons (if something is only color coded and you don't know anything about it - like if it's a soda or cleaning supplies)... But it's not anything you have to... Trending & News

+1 y

What hair length do you think looks best on men?

Depends on the man... The Rock looks best with that cut, aka., bald because he has a big body and his head would look even smaller if he had hair... Also C and D look great with those... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Is it ok to harass someone eating dinner at a restaurant because you disagree with their politics?

No... It's rude. But hey, if it isn't illegal people won't really care - they'll just do what they want to do. Trending & News

+1 y

Is this a good outfit for a hawaiian themed party?

Doesn't remind me of Hawaii in any way... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Do you like the Bohemian style?

Mostly yes. It can be executed very well, but also very poorly - depending on the quality of the items. It runs the risk, for many people, to look really cheap... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Did you get anything for your father?

Yes. An external disc with tones of shows and movies he'll love. Trending & News

+1 y

Is Elon Musk dating Grimes?

Yeah... I think so. He really gets around... Haha Trending & News

+1 y

Which country has the most beautiful girls?

A lot of them... Can't really choose. A truly externally beautiful woman is not that easily found - anywhere. . . Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Miss America Ends Swimsuit Competition? Thoughts?

Smart... also it was useless in the first place. Trending & News

+1 y

Are beauty pageants a way to objectify women?

Obviously. Why would they be in bathing suits if they weren't? Also... why aren't there those same things for men? Yeah... exactly. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Thoughts on Blonde Hair and Dark Roots?

It can work, but that much of a contrast just looks bad to me... This looks nice, though: A sombre blonde works... that just looks like a lazy person not... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

What is your opinion on box braids? Specifically for girls?

Sometimes looks amazing, sometimes it looks terrible. The 1st and the last pic really work well, the middle two just don't. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Why are skirts associated with femininity and women?

Hahaha Because mostly only women wear skirts in the western world nowadays. A loooong time ago - everyone wore skirts because they're simply easier to make... but since the tailoring evolved and... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Do you think thin lips are unattractive on a woman?

Depends on the woman. Mostly - yes... they're unattractive. She (woman from Sherlock in your pic) can carry it out - especially when she wears red lipstick or plum colored one... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

How do women feel about men wearing leggings in public?

It's great if you feel comfortable in that. I'd assume that guy was gay because not only does he wear leggings, but also ugg boots... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Should guys shave their armpit hair?

Whatever feels best for you. To me it still makes sense everyone shaves their armpit hair... Just for hygiene reasons. But if you feel better not doing it, that's fine too.. you'll just get smelly... Fashion & Beauty

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