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7 mo

Now that Sidney Powell has pleaded guilty to lying about Trump's bogus election claims, now what?

nothing really. if she hasn't hopefulyl she will be disbarred. but the reality is he filed dozens of suits, all were thrown out by the courts. some by republican judges. some by judges appointed... Society & Politics

7 mo

Should pregnant women get paid leave from work even before the birth of the baby?

i think they should be granted an amount of paid leave. if they opt to use it prior to the birth of a child they can but then it reduces the amount of paid leave after the child is born Society & Politics

7 mo

Where would you place my mom on a political compass?

i'd say she is politically amorphous. her opinions do not align with a political ideology. Society & Politics

7 mo

Should an Election Denier be “elected” speaker?

a person who was democratically elected should allowed to be able to hold office when he thinks democratic elections are rigged Society & Politics

7 mo

Why Do Texas Republicans blame Democrats when Republicans Have Been in Charge of Texas for 30 Years?

when you fail your constituents but want to remain in power you find a scapegoat Society & Politics

7 mo

Who has ever bombed a hospital?

ahem... the United States of America... sorry but true. Society & Politics

8 mo

Do we put too much credo into Race?

yes we do. science shows the difference between the races is microscopic. something like the races are 99.999999% similar genetically. but ain't that like humans? focus on the most minute (as in... Society & Politics

8 mo

Total number of Jews in the world = 16 million. Total number of Muslims in the world = 1.8 BILLION. Whose committing genocide against who again?

i don't believe the population number defines whether an act is genocide. i don't necessarily disagree that HAMAS (not muslims) are engaged in genocide. but the population of Muslims vs Jews... Society & Politics

8 mo

If I am sure I want to cancel a credit card, should I lower the limit as I am paying it off?

don't lower the limit. just pay it off. cancelling it could lower your score... but only temporarily so long as you are making good financial decisions otherwise. so no. do not lower the limit.... Society & Politics

8 mo

What do you think of CEOs wanting to blacklist students for being sympathetic to Palestine?

i think people need to learn to separate Palestine and Hamas. Standing with Palestine means standing with people who go about their daily lives much like people around the world. are there bad... Society & Politics

8 mo

BLM and ANTIFA support Hamas targeting civilains. Terrorists supporting Terorrists. are you surprised?

and some trump supporters are neo nazis. and trump is lauding hamas and condemning israel. trump is also supporting russia, who supports iran, who supports hamas/hezbollah. there are people on all... Society & Politics

8 mo

Will Trump help Black Americans?

he didn't help me. the reality is, helping americans helps black americans. when we stop focusing on the differences and the reality that helping people, helps people, we will actually help black... Society & Politics

8 mo

Why is it socially acceptable for a woman to say "men are useless"?

it's not socially acceptable. plenty of things people say aren't acceptable. it doesn't mean people can't say them. for every negative word said about men there is at least the same said or more... Society & Politics

8 mo

Why would Trump say this at a time like this?

because he doesn't have empathy. because he is in bed with the russians who support Iran who fund support Hezbollah and Hamas. Society & Politics

8 mo

Is messi introvert?

i highly doubt it. the number of people are truly introverted is pretty low. it seems he's quiet and doesn't love engaging with the media. but who knows what he is like in his private life. i know... Sports

8 mo

Is it okay to be fans of two NFL teams?

i think you can have a #1 team and then a secondary team, especially if those teams rarely play each other. but ultimately there needs to be a primary rooting interest. i grew up in the philly... Sports

8 mo

Most sports, like baseball, hockey, and football suffer from being too slow with soccer being the exception. Do you agree?

no i do not entirely agree. hockey is not slow. football has 35 seconds at most of slow parts between plays then a burst of action. baseball, while i love it is admittedly slow. the one thing... Sports

8 mo

True or False: People are such cowards, they wouldn't DARE say half the things they say on here to people in real life?

very true. that's why the internet is the cesspool that it is. people feel there are no real life consequences Society & Politics

8 mo

SO now she's claimed she didn't know he was a "Democrat" and ditched him for it?

it's such b. s. this married woman wants us to believe she literally knew nothing about a person who was groping her and being groped by her? so either she is a super slut or a terrible liar but... Society & Politics

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