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4 d

Is it true playing video games makes you lose IQ?

If it did, I'd be dead by now, or at least comatose. Unless, that is, I started out with the maximum possible quantity of intelligence. But that CAN'T be the case, because why would a smart being... Entertainment & Arts

5 d

Do spotted hyenas deserve their own horror movie or not?

1100 PSI isn't particularly impressive, in light of the fact that the common Norwegian rat has a bite PSI over 10,000. It's a measurement of pressure , not force. Come on, this is basic physics. Entertainment & Arts

5 d

May the Fourth Be With You. Do you celebrate Star Wars Day?

Ten years ago, maybe. Since the Disney acquisition, though... Look, it's plain that they simply don't GET it. Their movies clearly had no plan, and from all I've heard, the shows are even worse.... Entertainment & Arts

7 d

Are there any shows you rewatch over and over again?

Babylon 5, every couple of years. JMS, the show's creator, was the second person in the history of television to write an entire season himself- someone else had written an entire 8-episode season... Entertainment & Arts

8 d

Are you living your life like the song “My Way” by Frank Sinatra?

For better and worse. I'd say "except without the dying part", but I didn't change much even in those times when it looked like I was. Entertainment & Arts

9 d

Is Fallout the series any good?

Well, it- oh, wait; you mean the TV series. That I can't speak on. As to the games, 1 is good, 2 is amazing (but tonally all over the place), 3 was an abomination unto all that is good and true,... Entertainment & Arts

10 d

Do you like any musicals and what one do you like?

Quite a few. I like Les Mis (read the book in eighth grade because a friend was being taken to see the play at the end of the year and wanted to understand what was going on, so he wanted someone... Entertainment & Arts

13 d

Have you played World Of Warcraft before? ?

No. I want my games to be GAMES, not Skinner boxes. Entertainment & Arts

18 d

Do I have to read text in video games like in tips or subtitles?

Depends pretty strongly on the game, no? You can probably get away with it with the likes of Fortnight, but I wouldn't suggest it with Planescape: Torment. Entertainment & Arts

18 d

Arnold's predator got 3M views in a day on YouTube... is this a sign that people still love the 80s action?

I think people just love good movies- and Predator definitely qualifies. Entertainment & Arts

19 d

Sci-Fi and Fantasy Literature Suggestions for Character-Oriented People?

You might want to give the Vorkosigan saga a look, then; it's far more character-driven space opera than flashy tech porn sci-fi. Entertainment & Arts

19 d

Why Don’t Books Ever Adopt the Screenplay Format?

Because for most parts of most books, it's not necessary. Adding it in would up your page count to a ludicrous degree. Far better to just put in indicators of who's speaking, or add in things to... Entertainment & Arts

19 d

Do you get inspired when you read motivational quotes?

This was actually what inspired me to start reading the Vorkosigan saga. I was looking through a list of inspirational quotes, and I kept finding more and more of them from this series (which at... Entertainment & Arts

24 d

Any gamers here?

I'll still be gaming when I'm too old and feeble to move a mouse, and have to have my attendants control FTL for me. Being able to shout "fire all guns! Target their bridge!" and have it actually... Entertainment & Arts

25 d

What birds do you like and which ones do you dislike?

Let's just say that if *I* was President, the migrants we'd be planning to deal with wouldn't be the humans, but the geese. I'd have them rounded up and bussed back to Ottawa. Entertainment & Arts

25 d

If I black man likes Slayer, do you think that it’s not very “black of them”?

Of course not. A person's culture influences them, but it doesn't define them; if anything, it's the other way around. Tomatoes are native to Mexico, and were unknown in the old world before... Entertainment & Arts

1 mo

Is it unusual or strange for an adult to read books they read as a kid like “Narnia”?

Initially. Then, after they've paid psychologists a small fortune, they call it "rediscovering their youth", and it's suddenly wonderful. Or, instead, you can choose to just not stop doing the... Entertainment & Arts

1 mo

Why are all men potrayed as Loser weak jerks in a movie with Female as main character?

Sexism, mostly. That, and lazy writing, which thinks the only way to make women look good is to make men look bad. As though, say, Mara Jade became more impressive by making Luke Skywalker (and... Entertainment & Arts

1 mo

Are you going to watch the new Fallout tv show?

I wasn't aware of this. Which one (s) is it based off of? Entertainment & Arts

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