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16 d

Netflix or AmazonPrime if you had to pick only one of them?

So, choose between the company destroying the internet and the company destroying the labor market? Entertainment & Arts

21 d

Are you ok with not being able to sue disney for killing your spouse?

That's extremely unlikely to hold up in court, especially if the suit is outside of California. Entertainment & Arts

22 d

Have you ever heard of the actor Dick Van Dyke before I posted this question?

Of course. Who hasn't seen Mary Poppins? I'm waiting for Disney's "live-action remake" of THAT, where the cartoons are real and the real people are animated. Entertainment & Arts

26 d

If you were able to bring some musician back from the dead, what would be your choice?

If I could bring him back fully functional, Beethoven. I'm VERY curious what he'd make of the theremin, and hearing him bitch out Wagner would be downright cathartic. If it's just what they were... Entertainment & Arts

29 d

If you were in a horror movie, which way would you die?

I'd be the one who doesn't go into the haunted house/defiled graveyard/cursed campground, and then gets hit by a meteorite anyway. It's just my luck. Entertainment & Arts

29 d

Do you still have a CRT television?

No- which at least means my Duck Hunt record is unlikely to ever be broken by anyone I know. Entertainment & Arts

1 mo

What star wars movie would you find the best?

A New Hope. It lacks Empire's highs, but also its lows. I will give the Empire Strikes Back this, though: it has the clearest name. "A New Hope" is vague as a first tile, since everything about it... Entertainment & Arts

1 mo

Would a zorro remake work?

Here's a weird thought: not only did Antonio serve as a remaker of Zorro, but so did Anthony; the first movie came out seventeen years before HE was born! Entertainment & Arts

1 mo

Why do movies based on video games seem to never do to well?

The Chicago Cubs. The longest championship drought in not just the history of baseball, but of American professional sports, and yet every game STILL sold out. So what incentive did they have to... Entertainment & Arts

1 mo

I won a motorcycle in a drawing but nobody has the title?

Contact the DMV to get a replacement title issued. Entertainment & Arts

1 mo

Would you actually like to be famous?

HOW famous? Like Elvis? Not a chance; I couldn't handle that. But something lower-level, like maybe known to a specific subculture? That might be okay. I doubt it'd last, though; my day to day... Entertainment & Arts

1 mo

Is PS1 a good system to play on still?

The system hasn't changed; if you enjoyed it then, it stands to reason you'd enjoy it now. Entertainment & Arts

1 mo

Song you just love to listen?

The opening theme to the fifth season of Babylon 5- and funny you should ask; I FINALLY found a way to show it off! One of the things that made B5 unique was that the story ran for only five... Entertainment & Arts

1 mo

Which one of these 1960s tv series do you like the most?

"Barbara Eden" was a TV show? That somehow starred in another show that she herself wasn't on? Entertainment & Arts

1 mo

Happy Christmas in July! What is one overrated Christmas movie you'd like to get rid of?

I wouldn't; if I don't like a movie, I don't watch it. One that I'd like to promote, though, is Bill Forsyth's Comfort and Joy. It's like people think he made Gregory's Girl and then ceased to exist. Entertainment & Arts

1 mo

What's the worst movie to watch with family?

There are probably worse ones, but off the top of my head: Interstate 60. It's an interesting and compelling movie, but there's one scene in particular- and it's just one scene, which is the worst... Entertainment & Arts

1 mo

Would you rather live in Oz, Wonderland, or Narnian World?

Oz is actually pretty scary, though to get the full extent of it you need to read at least the first couple of books. But one quick one: the Tin Man? He's not a robot. He started out as a regular... Entertainment & Arts

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