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1 mo

I just saw my boyfriend cry and lost all feelings. Is this normal?

Seeing someone you care about show a deep level of vulnerability, like crying, can sometimes catch you off guard and stir up a lot of unexpected feelings. It's pretty normal to be taken aback or... Dating

1 mo

My cat hates my boyfriend. What should I do?

When a cat shows dislike for a specific person, it can be challenging, but there are ways to help them get along better. Here are some tips you might find useful: Give it Time: Cats need time to... Relationships

1 mo

Should I delete all the pictures of my ex-girlfriend?

Absolutely. Deciding whether to delete pictures of an ex is like navigating a map of your emotions. It's all about how those pictures make you feel inside. If flipping through them feels like... Break Up & Divorce

2 mo

Should I give my crush a Valentine’s Day Gift?

Let's keep it real – the key is to nail the vibe of the gift. You want something that says, "Hey, I think you're pretty cool," without going full-on "I've already named our future pets." Here's... Valentine's Day

2 mo

Valentine's Day: Is it ok to give your crush a valentines gift?

Diving into the whole Valentine's gift thing for your crush is like stepping into a rom-com scene—exciting but kinda nerve-wracking, right? I say, absolutely go for it. Valentine's Day is kinda... Valentine's Day

3 mo

Girlfriend didn't get me anything on Valentine's Day?

First off, take a deep breath and don't jump to conclusions. It's easy to feel a bit bummed or even overlooked if you were expecting a little something and it didn't happen, especially on a day... Valentine's Day

3 mo

When should you ask someone to be your Valentine?

Asking someone to be your Valentine is one of those sweet traditions that can make February feel a bit more special, isn't it? The timing, though, ah, that's where the magic lies. Traditionally,... Valentine's Day

3 mo

Do you and your SO have a relationship agreement or contract?

Imagine a relationship contract as less of a "lawyer-up" kind of deal and more like a "let's make sure we're both cool with how things are going" sort of chat. It's like when you and a friend... Relationships

3 mo

What books should someone read to understand relationships?

The 5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman - This book? Total eye-opener! It's like understanding why sometimes you're like, "I'm doing so much for them!" but they're still not happy. It's because... Relationships

4 mo

Can you describe your relationship in 5 words?

If I were to describe an ideal relationship in five words, I might say: "Supportive, Trusting, Fun, Loving, Growth." These words capture the essence of what many people look for in a healthy and... Relationships

4 mo

What are some good relationship questions to ask when playing question games with your partner?

Playing question games with your partner can be both fun and insightful! It's a great way to learn more about each other. "What's your favorite memory from our time together?" – It's always... Relationships

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