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1 y

Who is a person in your personal life you'd least suspect of committing a crime?

Lol I got trust issues out the ass so everyone is a suspect to me Other

1 y

Did you have a newspaper route when you were a kid? How far was your territory? Were you permitted to walk?

I didn't, but my dad did!! He did it as a side hustle on weekends. I remember him getting up at like 5am Saturday mornings and taking his bike out. Other

1 y

Can I have a picture of your bookcase?

Lol all my books are strewn around my room or in a big recycling bin. Future house is definitely having a library built in. Entertainment & Arts

1 y

Whats your soul count?

I mean having sex with people is more about souls than people think so. You're not just sharing your body. Other

1 y

Do you feel you're pretty good at detecting subtle cues for when someone seems a bit off one day?

Depends on how well I know them, but yeah I'm pretty good at it. Other

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Does anyone else have trouble pronouncing the word 'Rural' or is it just me?

Well I have a slight speech impediment but rural isn't one of my trouble words. Other

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Ever have a ‘joker moment’ in life?

Yes I have. I hold a lot in and have "joker" moments when there's no more room to hold stuff so I just explode. Other

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Which fast food restaurant do you think has the best chicken nuggets?

I prefer Wendy's nuggets. They taste the best to me. Always fresh. Chic-fil-a is a close second but I can't even really consider them as nuggets lol. Food & Beverage

1 y

Do people that cut ever stop cutting?

Some do. Some overcome the need to self harm. And some don't. I stopped when I was 17 and didn't do it for 11 years. And then had something happen that triggered me enough to start up again. As... Other

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Under how many blankets do you sleep at night?

Just one comforter. I keep my room cold all year round because I can't sleep otherwise. Other

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Have you ever had a “gut feeling” and it turning out to be right? What happened?

As an overthinker and someone with bad anxiety, I can honestly say that 9 times out of 10 my gut is right. The problem comes from me not following it. I overthink myself out of following my first... Other

1 y

What's your favorite flavor wings?

I was scrolling like she better have the Idris Elba clip on here lmaoooo. Food & Beverage

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What's the last "Fight" (struggle) you fought? Did you win or lose?

I fought against being upset about a situation. Told myself I wouldn't cry and ended up crying myself to sleep. Such is life. Other

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Burger King vs Wendy's? Which of these two fast food giants do you prefer?

Burger King has trash burgers. But their fries are always good. I hate Wendy's fries. Their burgers are ok. Haven't had one in some years. Their nuggets are supreme. Food & Beverage

1 y

Do you think its good to admit what insecurities you have or should you keep that stuff private?

It's good to communicate but I've learned to keep some stuff to myself until I trust them enough. Which takes awhile because I've been crapped on way too many times. My guard is damn near... Other

1 y

Would you get Ice Cream from this clown?

For future reference, I'm scared of clowns 😭😭😭 Food & Beverage

1 y

What age are you no longer a “young adult”?

I feel like if you're in your 20s you're a young adult. Once you hit those 30s it's time to drop that young. Other

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