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3 mo

Ladies: Do men really suck?

Some do, some don't. 🤷‍♀️ Anyways, didn't leave too late today but later than I said I wanted to. I was going to go to an interview but I remember last time I went for these folks and I got... Girl's Behavior

3 mo

Girls, why would another girl look down at my shoes?

She wanted to see what kind of shoes you wear? Is that so odd? Girl's Behavior

3 mo

Girls, Have you taken a bath/shower with your sister?

I has a brother. Much older than me. :D Anyways, today I say was very succuessful. Paid my rent, the late fee, learned much about genitals and tomorrow I think will be more glorious. I don't know... Girl's Behavior

3 mo

What is the underlying reason a woman would laugh at another woman?

Because she farted and her crush saw that... so yeah,, be mean spirited. Girl's Behavior

3 mo

How often you buy a bra? Do you like wearing bra or you hate wearing it?

I bought one... like...4 years ago? boy, o boy... yeah, don't need those Girl's Behavior

3 mo

My friend (she) calls her boobs jugs? Is this cute or funny?

I don't know how one would think this either or. Sounds like big ass responsibilities to me Girl's Behavior

3 mo

Girls: Do you mentally undress guys?

Nah, i'm busy and got shi to do Girl's Behavior

3 mo

How do you feel about public bathrooms?

If I gotta go... move outta my f**kin' way, bruv. :) *me fighting the urge to kick on the door to hurry the individual up and cause a great amount of anxiety* Girl's Behavior

3 mo

Girls, Have you ever peed in public?

whatcha mean, i piss all the time in the bathroom, whaddya mean. Girl's Behavior

3 mo

Do older men fall in love with a woman young enough to be their daughter?

When you say "young enough to be their daughter"... i think as kids. Which is... eewww. But in their 20s... o yeah... for certain. Guy's Behavior

3 mo

What does it mean when a guy says you think differently…. ?

You just think di- but tbh, i'd ask him or someone the same thing. Because wtf you mean n*gga? But we are all different folks. Guy's Behavior

3 mo

I had a guy at cafe find me ok Instagram why and how?

Of you know, people have ways of finding you on social media. Hell, saw how a man was able to find a woman's location by just her spinning around outside for 5 seconds. If people want you, they'll... Guy's Behavior

3 mo

Has a transgender woman ever been attracted to you?

damn... Uuum, oh yeah, once. However, it was off of a chat app. She was a horny mofo... so a horny mortal. Shut it down quick when I said I was married. Aaand... couldn't keep up with me after that. Girl's Behavior

3 mo

If he asks for nudes, does it mean he doesn't value me?

Not value you... buuut wanna give into the horniness. Guy's Behavior

4 mo

Girls, Do you use the word c**t?

:)... yes. Tuesday will come soon enough. Girl's Behavior

4 mo

Who would you wish a sad new year?

a child i've upset an adult i've upset an elderly adult i've upset a karen i've upset a white man :D Holidays

4 mo

Bikinis and underwear are basically the same thing. So why do women get embarrassed if they're seen in underwear?

But they aren't tho? Anyways, today was... nice. Went to my job, meditated... then took a nap. The difference is I meditate for 8 minutes and i'm still alert and awake. And when i nap... well i... Girl's Behavior

4 mo

Would Women be more comfortable if us Men left them alone?

I think not. Yeah, we say all men are the same and men are pigs but men think the same about us, we bitches. Sooo if men just stopped acknowledging us, then we probably be happier... for a time... Girl's Behavior

4 mo

How is everyone during holidays?

Had to work... left my post to make lunch, then returned to see some mofos got dragged across the street at the corner of where i work. So that was a nice little thing to witness. Holidays

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