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4 mo

What do you want for Christmas most of all?

my next source of inome... or a just as easy new job Holidays

4 mo

Are you looking forward to Christmas?

Another day I'm working... but I'm no where near my home city and have moved out succuessfully. So things are very good and I'm proud of myself. :) Holidays

4 mo

Hows the holiday traffic where you live?

Here down in texas... i'm in a city where it's the norm. And as of now... it ain't bad. Although i bet the day before Christmas eve it will be much... much worse. Holidays

5 mo

Do YOU know any misers in your personal life?

Shiiii, when I get rich, I might seem like that with my family. To be clear, i love them... but i've seen enough proof to know if anyone of them knows I'm rich as warren buffet, i'll never been... Holidays

5 mo

Why don’t guys act like Romeo from Romeo and Juliet?

Yesss, they should kill themselves once they see their love... playing dead. :) But maybe because 2023... and we ladies to play too many games. Also if we say no now a days, that's it. They go... Guy's Behavior

5 mo

If Santa took you off his 'Naughty List' and put you on his 'Nice List' what would it be for?

Not punching a child in the face. Or just... not coming close to hurting anyone because they test my kindness or patience. Holidays

5 mo

Are women evil?

Absolutely... wooooooo I'll take your joooooobbbbb... and cut off your diiii- *mcdonald's wifi cuts off because I've been here too long and they're closing* Girl's Behavior

5 mo

What do you think of this family's Christmas Card photo?

... are you sure this isn't 1823 or sum'? Or...2000 at least? Holidays

5 mo

Is it easy being a woman?

yes as easy as a man to understand what a women must do to be succuessful... which is a hella lot. Girl's Behavior

5 mo

Is having big breast a crime?

:)... it is 8:36 in the mo- Anyways, so it seems that place I was wanting to move in to has the code. While the other i reserved did not... so i couldn't get in to my new house. So now things... Girl's Behavior

5 mo

Does anyone still receive a Christmas Bonus from their employer anymore?

I don't remember the last time I did. Not from my security boss. My first job said they did christ- Oop, not anymore. I just got there and they just ripped it away. :) This was in 2010. Holidays

5 mo

Are you feeling the Christmas spirit yet?

Nope, just learned my mom gave away my room to my cousin who doesn't know a damn thing about me and her kids and my mom has just been stubborn as a bull with me changing into someone better. And I... Holidays

7 mo

Why do guys never compliment a woman?

They do. But thing is, most of us probably think they're hitting on us... or we've heard it 200 times a month. Guy's Behavior

1 y

Guys, Would you hit a girl if it was self defense?

Hey, not a guy but if the bish is going crazy and getting threatening, do it. Knock the bish out if you need to, no judgement Guy's Behavior

1 y

Why must women care so much about height?

Some do, some won't. Don't take it personally, it's probably a "them" preference. The right one won't give a shi how short or tall you are, they'll like you nonetheless. Girl's Behavior

1 y

Why do women pretend taking care of kids is so hard?

Because they don't stfu and you gotta carry the little bastards everywhere. Even when I need a drink... so yeah, it's hard. Girl's Behavior

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