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23 h

Are you able to let things go, or are you a vengeful person?

I let things go long term. One of my things I need to get better at is “walking away” in the short term. I’m too old be like “this guy doesn’t seem to physically respect me enough to not run his... Society & Politics

7 d

When your greatest accomplishment is wrecking the economy, how do you win reelection?

There’s no better way to showcase that you have no background in collegiate-level economics than to think the POTUS is responsible for the costs of goods and services. Society & Politics

8 d

Does prohibition work?

As a former marijuana “bootlegger”😂 from back in the days of illegality (at least in my state, and the feds are coming around slowly but surely)…. NO. I got hood rich slinging that shit, lmao,... Society & Politics

8 d

If an abortion doesn't cause pain for a fetus, then why does anyone care if a women has an abortion?

I think most folks who object are religiously-minded, and to them, humans are the premiere species on earth, everything else in existence only exists to sustain us or sustain that which gives us... Society & Politics

9 d

What does it say about the US that we have the same gun crime rates worse than some third world countries?

First and foremost…. a soft mentality that we try to camouflage with a fugazi hard mentality. Not knuckling up for a fair one is the softest thing anyone can do in a dispute, don’t @ me. Second….... Society & Politics

9 d

Are both Trump and Biden supporters in denial about their candidate's mental faculties? Welp…. here we are🤦‍♂️😂 Society & Politics

13 d

When a dollar store is going out of business does that mean America has hit rock bottom?

Hahaha, maybe. Although one thing about dollar stores…. they aren’t great VALUE. You don’t save on unit cost, you probably pay more than you would at a regular store, but the trick is they sell... Society & Politics

15 d

In your opinion is it wrong for a man to hit back a woman if she hits first?

If you can avoid it, I’d take the high road on this. I understand it’s frustrating to be hit by a woman from the safety of a societal dynamic where men are expected to not hit women themselves,... Society & Politics

19 d

Do you think DUI (DWI) is a serious problem?

So…. yes and no. I guess mostly yes, but in a way, no. In the case of alcohol, I think there are some flaws in the logic of the concept and the enforcement. But at the end of the day, it’s better... Society & Politics

21 d

Would you say honestly that you are emotionally mature?

In some ways, very much so. In other ways…. I’m a fucking child😂😂😂 I’m pretty mature in the way I handle and perceive most things in life, I think. Or at worst, I’m self-aware when I’m not... Society & Politics

26 d

Would you vote for this man for US President? Society & Politics

27 d

How do you feel about OJ Simpson passing away? Was he guilty?

I was back in on OJ, lmao. I kinda respect a guy who will walk on a double-hommie and then smile in all of our faces like it never happened. I respect cold-bloodedness😂 Like when he started a... Society & Politics

1 mo

(To Americans) Are you okay with your taxes to be used for other countries?

I want my tax dollars to help out people who are less fortunate than me, ideally, home or abroad, however that may be. Society & Politics

1 mo

Do you think the division between Americans will get worse or better over the next decade?

I’m not optimistic, lmao. Something extreme like a social media media ban would have to happen first, and I don’t think that would fly, or happen. But I think that’s the main reason the well is... Society & Politics

1 mo

How do you define wokeness?

This pretty much sums up my feelings on the whole thing. It just has been hijacked and redefined to mean something far from what it’s original definition... Society & Politics

1 mo

Why do we have to accept transgenders for who they are, when they couldn’t even accept themselves for who they were and had to change genders?

It’s just about a very simple principle of living your own life and never concerning yourself with what others are doing. That’s really Life Rule #1 to me. Mind your business, you don’t have to... Society & Politics

1 mo

Why does The Rock no longer support Biden?

Why anyone gives a shit who The Rock or Taylor Swift or any other entertainer votes will forever perplex me😂 Society & Politics

1 mo

Do you believe the American flag is now symbolic of bigotry, violence, & dumb-as-dirt, ignorance?

I don’t know if I’d go that far, but I’m for sure not very impressed by the character content of the average American these days. Our citizens our worse than our government, which is a problem,... Society & Politics

1 mo

Do you agree with Republican superstar rep Marjorie Taylor Greene that the eclipse is a warning from God?

This bird is a special kind of crazy lmfao. Absolute lunatic😂 Society & Politics

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