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Sometimes it gets really annoying, especially during the summer when birds are REALLY loud and chirping really early in the morning. But I love the first chirps of spring, because you realize summer is coming.
10 Reply
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The sun rise, the cold fresh air of the morning touching my bareskin and these lovely sounds echoing through the scenary is the best possible start to the day!
10 Reply
1.9K opinions shared on Other topic. Not really, Crows are so bloody loud
Hearing the damn 'caw! caw!' At 6am ain't fun :/10 Reply
- Anonymous(25-29)+1 y
When I'm trying to sleep, no. Outside for a bbq or something, sure.
10 Reply
I like it to a point. Pisses me off to wake up hung over to a cacophony of birds at dawn.
10 Reply
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One of my favorite things in this world :) First birds of spring are divine
60 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
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It depends, if they're chirping like sparrows and it's just like a really annoying bla bla bla noise, yes very annoying!! I hate noise that is just aggravating rahrahrah stupid noise!
But if they're actually chirping nice little "tunes" then it's fine.10 Reply Depends, most times I love it. But if I'm trying to study or working on a test then I'd rather not, because then that's going to make me want to just say fuck it and listen to the birds.
10 ReplyIt okay except early in the morning when I'm still tryna sleep feel like I wanna open my window & throw rocks to make them go away especially crowss & other large birds.
10 Reply- 10 Reply
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It can be calming and very cheerful, but depending on the species and the sound of it, it can be very irritating.
10 Reply 1.8K opinions shared on Other topic. Yeah, chirping birds are annoying in the morning. They used be there by my washroom window and, were maybe looking to build a nest so, I had to remove them.
10 Reply- +1 y
Birds in nature are beautiful but outside my window little birdy might get shot
20 Reply - +1 y
I love birdwatching because I like their chirping😊
11 Reply- +1 y
I like it when I am on a nature walk otherwise it is usually hard to see or hear them when I am busy in my routine.
1K opinions shared on Other topic. well which birds cause ibis r bloody annoying same as storm birds
10 Replyyes i do, but i really hate it when they do that at early in the morning
10 Reply- +1 y
I like it but being outside my window 24/7 would piss me off
10 Reply - +1 y
I don't mind it and I actually like it... especially in summer it feels so refreshing, feeling the nature closer
10 Reply 359 opinions shared on Other topic. I don't mind it, sometime I love it, sometimes I hate it
10 ReplyDepends if I'm sleeping. Goddamn birds.
10 Reply- +1 y
I love it if it's not a crow or Raven
20 Reply - +1 y
I find it to be quite lovely.
10 Reply - +1 y
I love birds chirping 😍
10 Reply I like their sounds except for the crow.
20 ReplyDepends on the kind of birds. But normally yes.
10 ReplyI love it... its very soothing to my ears.
10 Reply722 opinions shared on Other topic. Yes it makes me relax
10 ReplyYes itās okay & sounds cute
10 ReplyAs long as I'm not trying to sleep
10 Reply- +1 y
Depending on the bird... i love gulls, hate crows
20 Reply - +1 y
love it.
10 Reply Love it.
10 Reply525 opinions shared on Other topic. my lullaby
10 Reply- +1 y
I love it
11 Reply- +1 y
But when I was at the uni, studying for exams during a full night, the birds waking up were a signal I was running short on time.
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I love it
20 Reply - +1 y
So cute yes
10 Reply No. So annoying
10 Reply- +1 y
10 Reply - +1 y
Depend on the bird
10 Reply - +1 y
Yeah, i like
10 Reply
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