

Christian’s on here is there anything you feel ashamed of?

If you’re feeling ashamed of stuff you repented of a long time ago. This is one thing. I know it’s not popular to preach feelings like shame, guilt, remorse, etc are good feelings. Negative feelings yes. But if you feel...
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11 h

In which sports women out perform men?

I heard and read that women shoot better than men, and that they are better in endurance sports. What else?
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Why did she post everything we did together but never posted things she did with her ex’s and with her new man?

Like I’m talking every date we did axe throwing movies, dinner, sporting events etc but she didn’t do it with her ex’s bc I was friends with her for awhile and she treated me like I was a secret before and now she keeps...
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12 h

Shorter guys, can you be able to have sex with a taller woman and lift her up with your strength?

Guys, for those who are shorter around 5 ft or so like 5’5, 5’8, or 5’10… could you have sex with a tall woman like this: And lift her in a position or way like this if you are very strong or confident enough in your...
Guys, for those who are shorter around 5 ft or so like 5’5, 5’8, or 5’10… could you have sex with a tall woman like this: And lift her in a position or way like this if you are Show More
Yes - I can do both : I’m a giant conquer and slayer of the 🐱 regardless of height
Nah sir - I ain’t got it in me
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13 h

How can I fix this. I fucked up and I feel like I'm being gas lit?

So I found out that this girl I was interested in was married and I confronted her about it and she told me it wasn't true that she was single. I was approached again a while later with the same information but this time...
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13 h

If this muscular woman came up to you and thought you are attractive and a nice guy, she gives you her number… would you date her?

Her name is Brittney O'Veal . Say she is very sweet, feminine, and kind really wanting a good man and settles for a committed faithful relationship. She thought you were cute after an hour conversation and getting to...
Her name is Brittney O'Veal . Say she is very sweet, feminine, and kind really wanting a good man and settles for a committed faithful relationship. She thought you were cute after an Show More
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13 h
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Who else HATES When people down-vote their comments on reddit?

It makes my blood boil. I call it karma theft. Stealing my comment karma...
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You think nonblooded family can be more important than blood?

I keep hearing “but she’s my mother.” “She’s my sister.” Yeah but they haven’t seen you in two years.
I keep hearing “but she’s my mother.” “She’s my sister.” Yeah but they haven’t seen you in two years. Show More
Family is blood, nothing else.
Nah, it’s who’s there for you. Period.
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“Yes, dear”
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How to defeat a female attacker with one move?

Let's say a woman is attacking me and intends to kill or seriously hurt me so i have to defend myself. How do i defeat her with one blow?
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15 h

Girlfriend doesn’t want me to go out with her?

So I asked my girlfriend if I could go out to the bar with her and her work friends and she basically said no in a nice way. She said she wants to spend time without me and Yes we do spend a lot of time together but we...
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What's your craziest cousins story? Sexy, violent, lies, drugs, runaway, failure to launch, estranged, whatever?

Me: My aunt and uncle, as good Irish Catholics, never practiced birth control and had 8 girls and 2 boys in a 2 bathroom home they could barely afford. Plumbing backs up as girls are 14-27. Plumber fishes kids toilet and...
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What is the most iconic single line ever delivered on film?

I’m already giddy with anticipation of what y’all will bring to the table on this one! What, in your opinion, is the most iconic single line ever delivered in a movie?
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What exactly makes Japanese cars more reliable mechanically as many say?

Are Japanese cars really much more reliable/advanced mechanically than other car brands? Many seem to say this supposedly.. So what exactly makes them better etc?
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17 h
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