Why do girls like abusive relationships?

Like a girl I was with said the guy treated her like shit and he broke up with her but she was begging for him back even saying she was...

How do I get my boyfriend to pay me back?

I let my boyfriend borrow $100 last week because all his money went to getting his car fixed. He told me he gets paid today and will pay...

My ex tends to play innocent or victim in every situation and usually doesn’t acknowledge his mistakes or change them. Should I ask for closure?

My ex does this thing where he says something really disrespectful or does something that’s really inconsiderate and then if I would...

When a guy says he isn’t interested in talking with you after you asked him to talk again?

I asked him for a space at first because I wanted to sort out my emotions and I told l will reach out when I’m feeling better. I did ask...

Did I go to far?

So my girlfriend of a year came home extremely upset with me due to me joking about how she got stuck at the dmv all day. When she left...

Should I contact my Childhood friend?

when i was young i had this friend actually we weren’t that close but we were friends. We’re following each other’s instagram but we...

How much money would you prefer your partner to be making?

if we line up 1000 people let's say how many people are gonna be making the money you want would prefer in a partner

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