
Search Results: blows a kiss

What does it mean when a gay male blows a kiss at a female?

I don't know for sure if he is gay, but people I know claim he is. But in case he is gay, what does it mean when he blows a kiss at you or hugs you when you two aren't that acquainted? What if he puts his face centimeters...
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He blows a kiss?

whenever I say goodbye he blows me a kiss. is that flirting?
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Why does he blow me kisses?

Sometimes he'll get my attention then blow me a kiss. Or sometimes we'll just be talking and he does that. I always smile and look away when he does it. What does he think about my reaction and why does he do it?
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What does it mean when a guy blows you kisses

Right it was my 21st 2 months back and at my party they all did a toast 2 me and was all cheering and that and this lad I like was blowing me kisses while they were cheering and singing happy birthday 2 me and that now I...
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Blowing Kisses?

Guys: Do you blow kisses to girls who are just your friends? One of my guy friends blows me kisses, and I don't know whether he's just playing or whether he might actually mean something.
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Blowing a kiss meaning?

I gave the manager at a local restaurant a Christmas gift for him and all the staff. He blew me kisses to say thanks. I eat here very often and know most the staff. Is this just a friendly gesture as I’ve only ever had...
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What does it mean if a girl blows a guy a kiss?

If a girl found a guy repulsive she obviously wouldn't do it, but what does it generally mean if she blows a kiss at a guy?
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If a guy friend blows me kisses... what does that mean?

i believe it was kinda unconscious, he did not mean it. He looked at me to see my reaction... does it mean anything?
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Guys do you blow kisses/make SERIOUS kissy noises at the end of the phone call?

Im not used to this. Like its only ever happened when im actually dating the person. But i met 3 dudes recently who do that. Like i thought it was just flirting although i could see where we liked eachother but they sound...
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Why did she blow me a kiss?

There's a girl I really like at my Salsa class. I don't really know her, and have never spoken to her much except to exchange pleasantries. I'm a little scared to make a move because if she says no I'll still see her...
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If a girl blows you a kiss goodbye, what does it mean?

I asked this girl out earlier in the week, and it feels like there's something between us, but she said no because it was kinda a surprise and we're really close as friends, but since then she's been more flirty when...
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I think I blew my chances with a great guy :(

So met this guy online. We had been talking for like 3 months online and on the phone. He lives in another state then me. So I asked him if would like to come stay a weekend with me so we could see if we still felt the...
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He blew me a kiss... what does it mean?

So I know this guy who I've been nuts about but it seemed as if he wasn't interested in me for a long time. We have remained friends anyways. So two days ago I went to hang out with a friend and he was there, he was more...
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Kiss on cheek 2nd date, blow it?

Girl I think is great. 1st date coffee and hug. 2nd date, dinner, music show, then talked at a bar till closing. Offered to go dancing instead of bar but she said she didn't know me well enough for that yet (she is...
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My new boss blew me a kiss after work?

She was clocking me out while she was on the phone and she blew me a kiss and said thank you. Also she recently got her hair done. Somewhere in between me getting my interview and me starting. What does this all mean?...
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Why she laughed when I kissed her forehead?

My close friend came to me and stood very close to me and told me something is wrong with her. She wasn't feeling well. So i hugged her and kissed her on her forehead to make her feel better. She giggled after i kissed...
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27 d

Was he blowing me off on our date or did I blow it out of proportion?

met a guy about a month ago, we’ve texted and hung out a few times in the last month. The most recent time he wanted to kiss me and was very clearly interested in me (physically). I told him “I know you want to kiss me...
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Kissing in a car first kiss

Hi everyon I recently posted this "Hi everyone I have a huge problem. I have known this girl for a few years now and we just hung out as friends. Anyway I went on holiday with her and her parents and we had a really...
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He always demands a kiss goodbye?

I lost my bus twice because he kinda grabbed me to kiss me He is like :"how about a kiss?"."kiss me, no?" Why... its ok if i blow him a kiss and say bye babe, see you tomorrow Why he ALWAYS wants to kiss me goodbye?
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Ex Girlfriend has gone Cold after we Kissed?

Hot and Cold. Myself 27. Ex 22. Having a lot of issues dealing with the rollercoaster ride with my ex. She broke up with me 6 months ago, and since we have had ups and downs. This woman is truly the love of my life and...
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