Where is the best place to put a long quote tattoo?

So I have a quote in German that is pretty long ("Gerade weil wir alle I'm gleichen Boot sitzen, werden wir heilfroh darĂ¼ber sein, dass nicht alle auf unserer Seite stehen"- which means , Since we are all in the same boat we should be glad that not everyone is on our side). I'm getting within the year, but I can't decide where I want to put it. I was thinking my inner bicep, top of my foot. I also cannot decide whether or not I want some sort of embellishment like scroll work or something similar. I'm looking for places that are easily concealed because I'm currently in school to be a psychologist, which is a profession where tattoos are frown upon, any ideas appreciated.

And I already have a tattoo on my right shoulder blade and spreading across the top of my shoulders on my back
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Really not looking for stupid answers. On the inside of my upper arm if that's better for me to say. I already have tattoos and I'm getting it whether people like it or not, I'm just wondering what would be the easier part to show off and cover when appropriate. If you're here to Tell me that I shouldn't get it or comment on something stupid, please do it elsewhere.
Where is the best place to put a long quote tattoo?
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