
Search Results: #SORRYNOTSORRY

Stop the Hate! Enough Is Enough

Ok so if you've read any of my Takes, then you know that most of them are of the feel good, inspirational variety. I usually try to stray away from the controversial topics. Today I am not. Today I am going to speak my...

Gentlemen: The ONE key that could help make approaching women a lot easier

Hey guys, I'm that person who won't really go into something like this in depth unless I feel that it's necessary. I see questions all the time about this sort of stuff, but bruhhhh I think I've lectured about 1000 of you...

Why John Mayer is a Hero Of Men

I used to think I was the only guy who was down with JM Music. He seems to have gone from a female fantasy to more of a Bro who makes soft emotinal music that guys are into more than girls. I'm generalizing of course, but...

7 Reasons Why Nice Guys Will Always Finish Last

This MyTake is obviously attacking the stereotypical self-proclaimed "Nice guys" and not real genuine nice Guys. 1) Victim mentality. This victim mentality is a sign of weakness. Who wants to be with someone weak who...
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You're Doing It Wrong: How to Apologize the Right Way

“I’m sorry okay?! Feel better?” “Look, I said sorry! Can we drop it now?!” No. The issue is not amended just because you said sorry. In fact, no. I don’t feel better. Contrary to popular belief, those two words are...

My Turn to Answer BuzzFeed's 36 Questions Women Have For Men Now, a lot of you know that I am not a crowd follower or like to jump on the bandwagon like the rest here, but I admit this time I gotta go with this one. I read...

People Who Should Never be Allowed to Vote or Hold Office

Oh boy this is going to piss a whole hell of a lot of people off. 1. Anyone 70 or over I honestly think that after hitting 70 you should be allowed to vote anymore. Here is why, The average life expectancy in the U.S is...

Where I Stand On Police Violence Against Blacks, and Racism

I have to admit it's been pretty appalling for me to witness racism lately here on GaG concerning the racial issues with the police in America. Of course, it isn't the first time I've seen it on the web, as I also saw it...

You Live, You Learn: Making Sense Out of An Unfortunate Aftermath

To those who have been following recent events in my life, as well as their unfortunate conclusion and my irrational, albeit understandable knee-jerk reaction to them, I am not happy. Life has not been good to me...

One Big Reason Why Guys Don't Want to Pay on a First Date

I know, one of THESE takes again. Let me preface this by saying I don't mind spending some money on a girl for a first date. I'm not one to even go to a restaurant for a first date and I do prefer doing an activity where...

My List Of The Top 10 Hottest Male Actors (Part 2)

1.) Dwayne Johnson I first saw this guy in some movies before i knew he was a wrestler on WWE, as i never watched it at that point, but yeah he's a cool dude and is hot. 2.) Mario Lopez Ok i'm kind of embarrassed about...

The Importance of Initial Attraction ;)

This is the situation: Let's make it specific to GaG, shall we? Usually this problem arises in the "How Do I Look and Sexual Behaviour pages on this site. Already, I hope you know what I'm referring to. Not always, but...

Girls: You Don't Get it Both Ways.

This post is inspired by JG and AM, who are in fact an 18 year old and a 28 year old I know. Both girls, of course. What did they have in common? They both were baffled at the notion that guys wouldn't want girls who...

Part III: My Refusal to place nicely in the sandbox. And THIS isn't A NEW YORK PROBLEM

This is the continuance to my "Why I refuse to play nicely in the sandbox". NYPD Detective Luis Alvarez funeral is today, a staunch supporter of the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund, which Mitch McConnell and the...

5 things I like from Asian Men!

If you allow me to put K-pop bands aside and talk from experience, I'm going to let you in why the most underrated dating male group is actually one of the best. After all, the most gorgeous couple I've seen in real life...

Covid - One Year Later - And how it changed me, my mindset, and my attitude - probably for the worst.

Picture it.. 2020.. New York City.. The year was 2020. My City. New York City. Center of the WORLD (#sorrynotsorry SORRY TEXAS, When you get the attractions we get, then you can talk). A desolate city.. And This......