7 Reasons Why Nice Guys Will Always Finish Last

7 Reasons Why Nice Guys Will Always Finish Last
This MyTake is obviously attacking the stereotypical self-proclaimed "Nice guys" and not real genuine nice Guys.

1) Victim mentality.
7 Reasons Why Nice Guys Will Always Finish Last

This victim mentality is a sign of weakness. Who wants to be with someone weak who blames all their problems on women and successful confident men?

Nice guys are constantly looking for a scapegoat, someone or something to blame their own lack of success in the dating-world on.

2) Lack of confidence.

7 Reasons Why Nice Guys Will Always Finish Last
We can all agree that lack of confidence is one of the biggest turn offs. Other than rage, anger and bitterness, insecurity and lack of confidence are what most Nice guys have to offer.

3) Bitterness towards women.
7 Reasons Why Nice Guys Will Always Finish Last

Nice guys hate confident women because a confident woman would probably not be interested in an insecure hateful boring man. Therefore they will try to do everything to break a woman’s self esteem .They want to make a woman believe she is just as ugly as they are so she won't leave him for someone in a better league.

Nice guy: Hey woman! Without make up you're ugly and after 25 you're ugly, so you should be thankful that a nice guy like me is giving you attention and willing to be with you! How dare you reject me?

Here are some things that many "nice guys" tend to say and seem to have in common from my internet and real life observations:

- Women look ugly without/with Make up:

7 Reasons Why Nice Guys Will Always Finish Last

Most of the time, it's the least attractive guys who complain the most about makeup. They're most probably jealous of women being able to "fix themselves up" with make up while they (supposedly) can't do anything to fix their ugliness.

Hot Guys are confident enough to know that a woman who enhances her features (and therefore making herself more attractive) won't leave him for someone "better looking".

- Women are Rotten after their 20’s:
7 Reasons Why Nice Guys Will Always Finish Last

What else do most "Nice Guys" have in common? Shaming a woman because of her age. It's a very common strategy used by the self-proclaimed Nice Guys. They're the first to say that women after their 20's are unattractive and that once they pass the 25 years mark, they're past their prime and (therefore) should be choosing from the leftover men (aka, them, the nice guys). They believe that this tactic gives them more chances of scoring someone because a 33 years old woman shouldn't be expecting to date Nick Bateman but instead she should be thankful that a Nice guy gave her some attention because no other man would.

Even worse, unattractive older guys feel the most entitled to a younger "Hot girl" when they, themselves have nothing to brag about look-wise. Given the chance, "nice guys" would be the first to jump on a hot Milf.

- All women are gold diggers:

7 Reasons Why Nice Guys Will Always Finish Last

"Nice guys" usually are the loudest when it comes to voicing their hate towards marriage because "Women only get married so they can screw them over in a divorce and take their money" (chances are they don't even own enough money to really attract a real gold-digger) .
"Nice guys" tend to have this very pessimistic idea of women and view them all as gold-diggers. Why can't they get a woman? Oh silly! It's Because women only like rich men of course!

4) They constantly hate on more successful and attractive guys instead of working on improving themselves.
7 Reasons Why Nice Guys Will Always Finish Last

This is very common with nice guys. They try to bring hotter men down by labeling them all as "Cheaters" and "Shallow" and "Jerks".

7 Reasons Why Nice Guys Will Always Finish Last

Guess what? Attractive, fit guys are not necessarily most likely to be cheaters. Many average or even below average men are cheaters, I see this everyday with the number of times my girlfriends have been screwed over by "Nice Guys". LOOKS AND FIDELITY ARE NOT CORRELATED.

Instead they want us to believe that Hot fit guys are cheaters and this is why us women (specially Hot women of course) should avoid them.

5) Nice guys aren’t really “Nice”
7 Reasons Why Nice Guys Will Always Finish Last

Let me put it this way. Expecting a woman to spread her legs for you and jump in your arms because you say "please and thank you" makes you an opportunistic jerk. This is called simple courtesy and guess what? Even guys you like to call jerks because they're more successful are "Nice" too! But unlike you they don't only rely on courtesy to get girls.

6) "Nice guy" became the new definition of a lazy man without ambitions.
7 Reasons Why Nice Guys Will Always Finish Last

Saying you’re a nice guy basically means you have nothing else to offer except for your “niceness”. No humor, no confidence, no looks, no career/money, no REAL LEGIT kindness and no ambitions.

If you're really nice and have an amazing personality you wouldn't need to constantly remind everyone that you're a Nice Guy.

7 Reasons Why Nice Guys Will Always Finish Last

This guy can be a nice guy...

7 Reasons Why Nice Guys Will Always Finish Last

.....This guy is a jerk.

7) Nice Guys are shallow.

7 Reasons Why Nice Guys Will Always Finish Last

The "Nice Guy" specimen is very shallow. He doesn't even lift and excepts to get the hottest of women. They're usually the ones to set the highest craziest standards for women and feel entitled on getting the Crème de la crème because they have the Oh so unique quality of being nice.

7 Reasons Why Nice Guys Will Always Finish Last

Listen honey, the dating world is competitive like any other world. Hot young women are more likely to be dating young hot men. So stop saying that women are shallow because they won't date you.

I'm not saying that this is a rigidly set rule and average looking people can't successfully date "out of their league" look-wise, but the "average looking" people who indeed date hotter people usually have some other interesting traits to offer, for example real genuine kindness.

7 Reasons Why Nice Guys Will Always Finish Last

(Ps: I'm not implying that Jesse William's wife is unattractive, I find her cute she's just not the stereotypical model type of Hot).

If a hot guy only wants to date a hot girl, at least he worked hard for it (By working out, working on his confidence, having a job,..) the hot girl he wants to date most likely tries to work on keeping herself good looking as-well so she can date the Hot guy. Hard working people deserve to date each-other.

Don't feel entitled to date a woman who works out, takes time to take care of the way she dresses and looks, works on her confidence.... if all you do is lay on your couch all day crying over your fate.

7 Reasons Why Nice Guys Will Always Finish Last

"What? Me? Dating someone who doesn't look like Jessica Alba? How dare you say that? I'm a Nice Guy! I should only date 8's and up!"

Real nice guys DON’T finish last, only bitter lazy, insecure hateful men do.

Thanks for reading, I know this is controversial and chances are I'll get back-lashed but #SorryNotSorry #ShotsFired

7 Reasons Why Nice Guys Will Always Finish Last
Post Opinion