Iran Election: Get To Know The Two Main Candidates Better

Most of the sources are Iranian. One is also the Organization of Iranian-American communities, OIAC. And also...
0 4

Why Being Different Can be a Good Thing

Certain people seem to have a hard time fitting in and feel like no one understands them and can't relate to others so thought i'd do a...
3 8

How Much More Can Trump Take?

Everyday it's something new for Trump to have to deal with from his own country's media... Having been vocal on this site for quite a...
2 1

How To Start Making Positive Changes In Your Life

A few months ago I asked a question on here asking " how do you make yourself want something? " and I received a lot of great answers so...
1 6

School Choice = Better Schools

I've seen quite a bit of opposition towards giving parents and children the ability to choose what school they want to attend. It...
1 3

Economic Crisis in the United States

I don't mean to sound alarmist with the title, but if there's one thing I think more Americans could benefit from understanding at a...
2 6

Show me the money (tax returns), turns into show me the recordings in an issue of he said/ he said.

The Comey memo! Not to be be unseated by Trump leaking unowned intel from our allies to their adversary. The two actually go pretty...
3 7

Is being a feminist a turn off?

If it just means someone who thinks men and women are equal what's the big deal? I just don't understand the negativity. Also, why are...
10 35

What does it mean when someone calls you buddy?

Someone I don't know said "How are you doing buddy?" The guy was probably 20+ years older than me. Would you take this as a nice way to...

Why is it a LOT of Indian girls tend to be GOLD DIGGERS?

Been around Indian girls all my life, friends with them, and even hear some of the things they say in casual conversation. The vast...

Is France doomed?

After the french stupidity voted for Macron over Le Pen it feels like the french have committed cultural suicide. I just don't know how...

Why don't fat guys like fat girls?

This isn't meant to offend anyone , but I'm genuinely curious on why a large amount of fat men I've met , have never asked out or wanted...

Generally who loves money more? Men or Women?

Lots of money! Money can buy most things but won't make you rich in things, that money can't buy. I personally hate money but...
6 6

White girls: what do you think of being called a 'snow bunny'?

Snow bunny is a term for white girls
15 12

American comedians vs British comedians, who is funnier?

Now there is a big dibate over this and I want to know what you think. Give your favourite Comedian and his/her funniest joke.
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My online boyfriend lied about his height. Should I break up with him?

He said that he was 6'1" but he's only about 5'10". I was slightly taller than him in heels. We got along great and everything but I...
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