Texting acronyms and meanings? BA will be given!

As lame as this sounds, both of my parents recently got an FB account and they don't know any of the 'lingo'. They asked me to make a list of the acronyms and their meanings for them. Unfortunately, I only got like 3 hours sleep last night and I'm brain farting as to what some of the others are. ha ha I don't want any repeats, and I will give BA to whomever has the most in their answer!

What I have so far:

*AFAIK- As Far As I Know

*AKA- Also Known As

*ATM- At The Moment

*BTW- By The Way

*FML- F*** My Life

*HBU- How About You

*HMU- Hit Me Up

*IDC- I Don't Care

*IDK- I Don't Know

*IDR- I Don't Remember

*IDT- I Don't Think

*IKR- I Know Right

*LMA(B)O- LAughing My A**(Butt-for the old foggies! haha) Off

*LOL- Laughing Out Loud

*NM- Not Much

*NVM- Nevermind

*ROTFLMA(B)O- Rolling On The Floor Laughing My A**(Butt-again, for the old foggies! haha) Off

*SMH- Shakes My Head

*TTFN- Ta Ta For Now

*TTYL- Talk To Ya Later

*TY- Thank You

*WTF- What The F***

*WTH- What The Hell

*YOLO- You Only Live Once (for my fellow 'ifunny'-ers: You Obviously Like Oreos!)

*YW- You're Welcome

Thanx in advance! :-)
Texting acronyms and meanings? BA will be given!
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