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+1 y

What body shape am i?

Your body type is rectangular. You're not skinny, definitely not fat, you don't look athletic either. You have the natural healthy body look. I rate your body 7 in terms of sexual appeal. Other

+1 y

What makes a woman appear more feminine and attractive?

The essence of femininity is class, and being classy requires self-respect and confidence and both are achieved by self-discipline. So I guess the key to femininity is self-discipline. Beauty... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Is 58kg for a 17 year old girl a lot?

Well, your body mass index is 21.6, which is great, for females it should range from 18 to 23, less is underweight more is overweight, so as for the stats you're good! But if you feel like lose a... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Slim thick or skinny?

Doesn't matter, the important thing is she'd be healthy! If she can be athletic it's even hotter, and if she can be flexible then that's just super sexy.. From the pictures you provided the... Society & Politics

+1 y

Guys, Do you find chubby cheeks attractive?

Depends on the lips, they should be full and chubby as well, and of course we are talking about superficial objective attractiveness here. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Does anyone believe in Dreams or what they could mean?

I believe the subconscious mind is far more developed than we can understand, it may also be something spiritual that we can't really be aware of.. and what our minds gather subconsciously whether... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Guys, making intense frequent eye contact without smiling? what does that mean?

If he's shy, then maybe he likes you but he can't express that through a smile and be flirty, it's physically hard, I know that cuz I was very shy myself. But why aren't you sure of it! you... Flirting

+1 y

Guy friend asked me out... but I don't like him?

Not okay, go out with him, give him a fair chance and if you didn't feel a thing, just talk to him about what you feel and tell him that you hope you stay friends, doesn't matter how he reacts cuz... Dating

+1 y

My guy friend kissed my hand?

If he kissed your hand, it's a definite sign that he adores you. Guy's Behavior

+1 y

What does it mean when a guy teases a girl that another guy has a crush on her?

Why is it a problem, guy A also likes you a little bit, and he isn't that close with guy B to stop himself from showing interest to you. I agree with you the situation is a bit silly, but it's... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Why does this guy act differently around his friends?

I actually understand this quite well. He cares about you probably more than he cares about them, but he cares about what they think of him more than what you think of him, he's kinda taking you... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Are those fitness girls on Instagram asses even real?

No those are most likely real, those aren't too much! Girl's Behavior

+1 y

My husband hasn't told his family we are married?

I understand this situation cuz I've thought about it before. I thought if I'm in America or something and I got to know some girl and really wanted to the next level with her, then am gonna... Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

What does it mean when a guy says he wants to take things slow?

Yup that's exactly right, he thinks you might actually be the one. Dating

+1 y

He's the best I can I've ever had in bed but I don't want to see him anymore. Should I do the fade away or block his number?

You should be guarded, and you should be honest, he sounds like a guy with a good heart but a disturbed personality, that's why you should be guarded. And you should be honest and strict... Dating

+1 y

Why do I fart after I eat peanuts?

Because peanuts and beans have a lot of air in the bro, that's part of the reason and it happens to everybody. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Is the bob cut sexy?

Your taste is awesome. You picked three of my favorite celebrities of all time, especially keira. Thank you =D Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Who are more desperate: men or women?

Relationship wise, depends on the age, generally women tend get more as the grow older and still be single, But men are very disparate to fulfill their needs when they are younger. But not all... Society & Politics

+1 y

How to look childish?

it's about how you act, more than what you wear. Just laugh a lot and act very happy and silly, I am 23 and I have a friend who's like this, she acts like she's 12 even tho she is 23, she just... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Should I ask a mutual friend if my crush is single?

Yeah ask him, no reason not to, it's just an innocent question. Dating

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