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+1 y

My girlfriend got me in a headscissor and I couldn't get out. Am I a wuss?

You are who you choose to, the key to life is in your hands Health & Fitness

+1 y

Do you like sneezing?

During a sneeze pressure in the skull increases slightly for a brief amount of time. Other

+1 y

Do most women today view men as ATM machines?

These are women with the wrong perception about life. It is more respectful to work for your money Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Does drinking green tea give you nice skin?

Tea here is pure natural tea minus milk. Natural tea, has a lot of health benefits including building the immune system Health & Fitness

+1 y

Quickest way to get to sleep?

Eat early, do some exercise Health & Fitness

+1 y

Why is it scary to swallow pills? I always freak out?

Most pills are bitter, and in truth most of them fight the body system Health & Fitness

+1 y

I am too dependent on my girlfriend and I really need help?

She has developed a stronger independence than you. In every relationship there is a stronger one. Look for happiness in positive activities. Dating

+1 y

Would you marry this Middle Eastern Rich Girl/10 ?

yes i will marry but I dont like the conditions, they are inhuman Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

Why did I suddenly put on weight again?

Watch what you eat. Exercise more. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Why is this girl obsessed with me?

Call her, tell her there is something important you need to tell her. Appreciate her, talk to her about everything. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

IF A guy let you see him checking you out. what is he trying to say?

This is a normal thing, what is going on in his mind is unknown Dating

+1 y

Why don't guys like me?

From this picture, your hair look rough, guys appreciate well kept hair. Guy's Behavior

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