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+1 y

Who's More Attractive Zac Efron Or Liam Hemsworth?

Liam is gorgeous... he just seems to have bad taste in women. Other

+1 y

Why do women hate it when men take charge in a relationship?

I think some women feel that by acknowledging gender differences, they are acknowledging inferiority. Gimme, this is irrational, but it seems the case with some women. Relationships

+1 y

Guys would you wear this? it's called manties 😂😂😂?

My man can wear whatever he wants, but I would let him know that it is not my preference and I do not find it attractive. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

What are your opinion on high heels?

I am 5'3". I wear high heels almost every day. I even wear them with jeans. I wear them because I like them. I honestly don't care what anyone else thinks about it. I can tell you how I am... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Girls, Do you wear a thong for playing sport?

I always wear briefs when playing sports. It is my personal preference. I used to dance and cheerlead. It would be sort of weird cheering in a short skirt with a thing on, even though we wore... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Girls, Do you feel bad , sad and sorry about men?

I think body hair is masculine and sexy. This was not always the case... when I was younger, I preferred the metro-look, but now I think raw masculinity is HOT!!! Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Do you think it's unfair that women are ridiculed for their preferences in the opposite sex?

I think women are too often stereotyped. I out-earned my husband for much of our relationship. It never mattered to me. We split domestic responsibilities down the middle for many years, as well.... Relationships

+1 y

If you could wake up tomorrow in the body of someone else, who would you pick and what would you do?

Michael Jordan. I would like to see what it is like to be the best there has ever been at something. I would play basketball and then write myself a huge check! Other

+1 y

If a guy shows concern for you does he like you?

Not necessarily... he may just be a decent human who does not want to see another person in pain or despair. Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Would You Let Your Partner Do An 'Indecent Proposal'?

There are some things which are sacred in a marriage. Physical intimacy should be one of these things... there is no way I could ever compromise this special part of my marriage. Relationships

+1 y

Do Beauty Pageants objectify women?

Yes and no. The women who are participating want to be objectified and to me, there is nothing wrong with that. They worked hard to get into good shape and at least they have to have some kind of... Society & Politics

+1 y

Is it weird to dress up everyday?

I have always dressed up every day... even in middle and high school. It makes me feel good, so I do it. People who know me well laugh about it, but I love that I do what makes me happy! Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Girls, Why is pantyhose uncomfortable? Are there any satisfying alternatives?

They are uncomfortable because they were invented by a man. Tanned legs are a much better and more comfortable alternative. Fashion & Beauty

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