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5 Helpful tips for men to navigate through dating

Now an unspoken agreement between men and women in dating is this: 1. Men entertains the girl 2. Girl enjoys man company and girl will want commitment 3. Girl will give out sex to acquire commitment. For most guys women aren't that sexually attracted towards you and want you for what you can do...

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7 Tips for Keeping a Woman's Love in Any Relationship

1. Always keep improving The female innate nature, even while in a relationship, is to constantly look for the best possible mate. A woman will keep a lookout for an upgrade even while she is with you. The thing about this is that both men and women when they reach a new stage in their life,...

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7 Ways Guys Can Make Themselves More Attractive

1. Get a haircut that works well for your face Most people care about the face so let's start with how best to maximize it. You can get a haircut that works well with your face and help make you more attractive. Obviously, this will differ from person to person so it's best to experiment around...

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Nice Guy and Nice Girl: Fully Analyzed

Now when it comes to life, how we go about experiencing life and how others perceive us is often swayed heavily by our looks. People who are born good looking would experience more positive aspects of life such as increase chance to get hired for a job and promoted, as well as, increase...

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A Good-Looking Person Who Acts Nice? Be Careful!

Now the media has a strong influence on how you perceive the world especially who you consider good/bad people. Think back to when you were a little kid, you were constantly being bombarded that the good guy/gal were good looking and the bad guy/girl were ugly. So at a young age you already...

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The Competitiveness of Females, and How Social Media Affects Them

It's been said by women on GaG that women just like men are very competitive. However, most men tend to limit their competitiveness only to capabilities; meaning that we compete to determine who is better at a skill/sports activity such as a trade, job, weight lifting, swimming, tennis, martial...

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8 Ways You Ladies Can Make Dating Easier On Guys

1. CUT OUT THE CREEP SHAMING It's bad enough having to do nearly all of the approaching and having that anxiety of facing a humiliating rejection, but many women take it a step further to slander a man's character rather than admitting they rejected him...

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Men Really Are Women's Slaves

MAKING FIRST CONTACT Let start off with the beginning of male to female relationship. Most men are the one approaching women than the other way around. In fact if an average looking man doesn't approach chances are he'll remain single nearly all their life. As a man when you get a woman's...

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There is no such thing as "PLAYING HARD TO GET"

It all comes down to how much she likes you. And the more she likes you the less crap she will put you through and the more crap she will take from you. A women that really likes you will be very cooperative. No games, funny business, she will have sex with you pretty quickly, just enjoys...

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Advice to Young Men Who Got Major Attention After College: You Are the Left Over Men!

When you are in college you probably notice that majority girls chased after small clique of guy who were either really attractive, tall, popular (were in many clubs, social groups, fraternities) and/or rich. if you were a guy who focus on studying, came from a middle class family and weren't...

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How To Tell If A Woman Sees You As An Alpha Male vs Beta Male

Alpha Male vs Beta Male 1. She values your time and opinion. A woman who sees you as an alpha male will always have time to listen to you whether it's in person or on her phone. If you ask her out on a date she will give a prompt and quick reply on whether she can make it or not. As appose to...

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