8 Ways You Ladies Can Make Dating Easier On Guys


It's bad enough having to do nearly all of the approaching and having that anxiety of facing a humiliating rejection, but many women take it a step further to slander a man's character rather than admitting they rejected him for superficial reasons. 2 men can approach a girl with the same lines, and body language and many girls will label the guy who they did not find physically attractive/displaying low social status as a creep while a man who is better looking/higher status would be considered charming, bold and confident.

You girls also have to understand a less attractive guy would be less confident and smooth as a good looking guy. Why do you ask ? Well logically the good looking guy would have had more often favorable outcomes from approaching women and therefore feel more confident when he approaches. A less attractive man would have had more unfavorable outcomes some of which were complete train wrecks.

So just take that into consideration when you see a guy whose not total hotty fumbling with his words when talking to you. He may just be nervous because things have gone to shit for him in the past and he's nervous of screwing up again.

And this isn't a threat but a warning about how you reject a guy. Please do not be a bitch about it if the guy hasn't warrant it. Male suicide is waaaay higher than females in our society and you could be the catalyst to encourage this guy to put a bullet in his head by being a bitch towards him when it wasn't warranted.


They say relationships is all about a power balance but in our current atmosphere today women don't want to relinquish some of their power and show vulnerability. Majority of girls still don't approach and tend use subtle body language like flirting, playing with their hair, batting your eyes, biting your lips to show your interested.

How women can make dating easier for men

Some guys are just not good at picking this up and may only realize and pick up the cues well after you've parted ways. So if your showing all the signs and the guy isn't biting it's not that he isn't interested in you it could very well be he just hasn't picked up on it. Also you have to realize a lot of guys encounter a lot of girls who like attention. They show all the signs but the moment the guy goes in for the kill and show their interest they hit him with "I have a boyfriend". Sorry but "I'm not interested". You guys have to realize guys don't just encounter girls who are interested in them but a lot of attention whores who just want to know they can get you.

So if a guy isn't getting it be more direct rather than get frustrated/discourage and give up on him.


This goes back to vulnerability and opening yourself up in 2. Many girls have fragile egos and can't handle rejection which is why the majority of them don't approach. The only time women actively open up and start chasing back seems to be after they given the guy sex.

8 Ways You Ladies Can Make Dating Easier On Guys

Women think that men should come to them rather than the other way around and don't like to relinquish that power until after sex. Relationship is a power struggle.

In dating it seems to follow like this:

Women hold the power and the man needs to prove his worth before she gives him sex.

After sex has happened the power tends to balance out between the genders.

The only time the power is in the men's court at the start is when he waaaaaayyy above a woman in looks, status and money.


Too many of you girls just sit back and put all the pressure on men to plan out the dates, lead the conversation and be the entertainers every time you go and hang out.

8 Ways You Ladies Can Make Dating Easier On Guys

You have to start taking a more active rather than passive approach to dating because always having to be the energetic,fun, interesting guy can be very wary on a man. Sometimes guys would like to just sit back and relax. Start taking a more active approach to show you care rather than expect men to do everything.

So many of you girls say you lose interest in a guy because he was boring but you yourself put no effort to spice up the relationship.


8 Ways You Ladies Can Make Dating Easier On Guys

If you agree to go out with us at least stick to your word and don't just flake on us at the last moment. Too many girls have so many options they often treat men as bidders. The guy who you agreed to have a date with may have had the most enticing offer up to last minute but another guy just came and gave you a even better deal so you drop his ass immediately without any consideration on time/effort he put into it.

Just realize by doing this you not only make yourself look like a cheap whore who basically goes to the guy with the best offer but you disrespect the man you made a promise too and show that you can't be relied on to keep your word.


8 Ways You Ladies Can Make Dating Easier On Guys
It's funny that the gender that has the highest success rate of being asked out by the other is the most scared to approach. You girls have been liberated by feminism to be strong and independent so why not show it by going out and getting what you want. You see a guy you like instead of just sitting in the corner and hopping he picks up on your subtle cues go approach him.


8 Ways You Ladies Can Make Dating Easier On Guys

Stop these stupid games where you are hot one moment then totally cold the next, or if a guy takes long to respond to your text you would take an even longer time just so you don't appear eager. It is ok to open up and be the one whose more interested. Stop trying to hold onto power and be chase in the courting phase.


8 Ways You Ladies Can Make Dating Easier On Guys

Sometimes some guys are just total clueless on what they do wrong. It would be appreciated if you at least give us feedback on what went wrong so we can improve upon it for the next girl rather than be total clueless and have to figure it out ourselves.

8 Ways You Ladies Can Make Dating Easier On Guys
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