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Why we need to stop telling men that they are 'whipped' by their girlfriend

In the UK, when someone (usually his friends) tells a guy that he is 'whipped' by his girlfriend, it often means that his girlfriend wears the trousers and tells him what to do. It's often said as a joke to tease the man for allowing his girlfriend to control him. So why should people stop...

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Stop telling people with chronic illnesses to change their diet or try herbal medicines!

I recently shared a myTake about psoriasis and my experiences with it. I wrote it because I wanted to end the stigma and educate people about it - I wasn't asking for health advice . Little did I know that about half of the comments would be people acting like they know more than myself and...

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Common Misconceptions About Psoriasis and How I Manage The Condition

Psoriasis is a part of my life including a bunch of other health conditions. It rarely crosses my mind, I treat it and get on with my day. However, I occasionally come across things online about psoriasis and see people who do not understand the condition talk very negatively and inconsiderately...

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Why I dated 'bad guys'

Disclaimer: By bad guy, I mean any guy that isn't an entitled, nice guy/incel and may or may not have bad behavioural tendencies. We've all heard it; "I'm such a nice guy, I don't know why women only date bad guys!" You just have to browse the sub-reddit, /r/niceguys , to realise how nice the...

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The Benefits Of Studying Psychology

You may have heard people talking quite negatively about studying for a psychology degree. Their criticisms usually include the fact that a large proportion of people study the topic which seems to mean, in their minds, that it devalues the subject and finding a career is even harder. Finding a...

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How Distance Learning Has Given Me Another Chance At Education

When I was 16, I had left high school with a good amount of qualifications with average grades and didn't know what I wanted to do so I followed everyone else and went into sixth form (similar to the last two years of high school for Americans). I soon realised that this wasn't for me. I was...

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Hedy Lamarr; The Hollywood Actress and Inventor

Hedy Lamarr (Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler) was born in 1914 in Austria-Hungary and died in 2000 aged 85. Today her name has been brought back into the spotlight because, despite being a famous Hollywood actress, not many people knew that she was an inventor and her inventions paved the way for...

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The British Female Artists Dominating The Music Charts in 2018

You may have already come across these gorgeous and talented women in the music charts recently. They're all doing incredibly well and some are pretty new on the block! They're creating music I can't get enough of and I thought that they deserved some more appreciation! This is also to celebrate...

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What Not To Say To A Child-Free Person

Firstly to clarify, a 'child-free' person is not someone who does not have children, they're someone who also doesn't ever want children in their life, either biological or adopted. Secondly, CF people are often subject to criticism and ignorant remarks (you'll be surprised at how rude some...

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Hannah's Review Of: Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp!

If you haven't heard of this latest mobile game, you're either not an Animal Crossing fan or you're living under a rock! Last week, Nintendo released a mini version of Animal Crossing for mobile phones based in a world of camping and it has been downloaded more than 5,000,000 times! However,...

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Tube Chat Badges On The London Underground: Yay or Nay?

It's the norm to travel in complete silence and avoid eye contact with everyone, but someone out there wants this to change. These badges have been given out to commuters to wear, to let others know they're open to chatting whilst they travel. It's not clear who's making and giving out the...

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No Man's Sky Being Investigated For Misleading Advertisement

Most of you have heard of the game, "No Man's Sky" which is meant to look like this: But actually looks more like this: Unfortunately, the video game creators "Hello Games" aren't being investigated by Advertising Standards Authority, but the gaming platform Steam is being investigated after...

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How To Make Yourself More Employable!

You know the case, finding a job is very hard when you're young or straight out of education. High paid, dream jobs come once in a blue moon and that doesn't mean you'll get it, yet there's plenty of low paid, uninteresting jobs that no-one really wants. But this is for those dream jobs you want...

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Another 'The Voice' Singer Has Been Shot Dead, Just Days After Christina Grimmie's Murder

The 45 year old US singer, Alejandro Fuentes was shot three times on a night out with friends, who were celebrating his birthday. Alejandro appeared on the Mexican version of popular show, 'The Voice'. His death occurred a day after Christina's funeral, another singer who was discovered on the...

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4 Less Common Dog Breeds That Make Good Pets

There are so many dog breeds, it's not surprising that some breeds crop up and you've never heard of them before. Here's some handsome, less common dog breeds that are family friendly and relatively easy to raise. Rhodesian Ridgeback (African Lion Dog/Hound) Origin : Rhodesia Height : Males -...

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How To Get Fitter & Healthier The Easy Way: My Self Care Plan

When you think of getting fitter and healthier, you probably think of going to the gym all the time, protein shakes, counting calories and eating nothing but salad, but it doesn't have to be that way! I recently decided to focus on self care, for my own health and happiness and following it for...

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15 Of The Most Beautiful Places On Earth

When Summer arrives, travel is one of the first things that comes to mind. The great weather makes us all come out of our duvet cocoons and discover the beauty the earth has to offer. If you're planning to travel somewhere, here are some of the world's most beautiful places. Cappadocia, Turkey...

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Not All Stares Are Judgmental Ones!

Have you ever seen someone who might've had a really wacky hairstyle but you quite liked it? Or someone who stepped out of societal norms when it comes to their fashion but you think they really pull it off and you appreciate their confidence? But then you find yourself staring or constantly...

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