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+1 y

Does your boyfriend have to listen to the same music as you do?

My bf can listen to whatever music he wants to! Sure it would be great if we have the same music taste to sing together but hey it is ok :D Relationships

+1 y

What do you think of waiting until marriage for sex?

I voted : "I will have sex when I want". Ok I respect people who want to wait till marriage, but I prefer having sex whenever I want. Relationships

+1 y

My sagging breasts?

Boobs = Fat so you have to loose some weight I guess! Try some exercises, you can find many in youtube! Most men I know are bothered by saggy breasts, but there are many who don't give a fuck! Health & Fitness

+1 y

Who would you believe... the mirror or the selfie?

I love how I look in the mirror. I also can see my gestures there, so I think it shows more how other people see me. Other

+1 y

Is 5'0 too short for a 14 year old? And other questions?

Don't feel insevure about your height, short women are beautiful too. Also a 36B is average and many guys prefer this size then large boobs! Health & Fitness

+1 y

Do girls think Jeff Seid is hot?

He has a nice body.. but I prefer "every day guys".. I find their bodies better. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

What makes eyes pretty?

I have brown-green eyes, but people are often complimenting them. They say that my eyes shine and that they look cute :) Other

+1 y

Are you strong enough to immediately get out of bed in the morning?

The time my alarm clock rings, I immediately get out of bed! I have never had this problem :D Health & Fitness

+1 y

Can you pretend to be sober when you are drunk?

haha Yes I can! Sometimes when I am drunk and I go at home my parents think that I am sober :D Health & Fitness

+1 y

I don't believe love exists... do you think I'm being too cynical?

Love exists. You not only have to love a partner, to call it love but remember your friends and family. I love my family really much, so it is a different kind of love but still love. I still... Relationships

+1 y

Guys: SCARLETT JOHANSSON overrated or sexy?

My opinion of Scarlett ( I have many times discussed it with friends) For me Scarlett is no way ugly. She is ok but I think she is overrated. She is pretty, but I am sure if she wasn't a... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Do you think Turkish girl sexy and beautiful?

I love the eyes of turkish women so much, they are big and wonderful! Flirting

+1 y

Do people tell the truth when they are drunk?

No I have been a few times drunk and I knew I lied. Other

+1 y

Wouuld you date a girl with no boobs?

reast size doesnot matter as much other things do. Im sure there are guys who would date you , dont feel insecure about boobs, they are just boobs.. If you want you can read my myTake in which I... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

I am in tears crying my eyes out. Why would my boyfriend do this? What should I do?

Leave that asshole alone really! he doesn't deserve you! Guys in high school tend to like bigger breasts but honestly there are many guys who prefer smaller breasts and many guys who dont care... Dating

+1 y

Does Cellulite Bother You?

All girld have, even girls who are fit go revularly to the gym and eat healthy. I think it is not so bad for guys too and honestly as far as it is not excessive no guy notices it. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Why do women lose interest in sex with their husbands... but find other males hot?

I have read an article about it yoh are right many wifes loose interest in sex with their husband but dont loose interest in sex generally. It is mostly because of emotional reasons, women feel... Relationships

+1 y

What to do when your boyfriend says another girl is hotter than you?

If he really loves you, for him you will be the most beautiful one. His behaviour wasn't nice at all.. Now I dont know if he meant this but I dont know if I could manage to stay in this... Relationships

+1 y

Cheeky bikini bottoms - would you wear them to the pool/beach?

I have one and I love it.. Im from Greece, there most of the girls wear one so it isn't rare and I dont find it revealing.. Fashion & Beauty

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