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+1 y

I find it hard to hold my 5.5 inch. Does that mean my hands are small?

Those phones are way too big for my hands lol. 4.5 is perfect 👌 Technology & Internet

+1 y

Crybaby, annoying or cute?

It's really annoying.. Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Do you think that lies are sometimes necessary?

Only sometimes, for protection. I have to lie to close ones for personal reasons sometimes. Other

+1 y

Vanilla or chocolate ice cream?

I like vanilla much better since pretty much any topping will go well along with it. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Are men and women equal or different?

Men and women ARE different, simply because men are men and women are women. Because of that, there will be things that both men and women will have advantages over. Society & Politics

+1 y

Are gender roles misogynistic?

Misogynistic? No, it isn't. They're more of a traditional way of life, and being traditional isn't discriminatory against women. Women's Day

+1 y

Whats your Favorite Soda?

Mountain Dew, but it isn't up there lol Food & Beverage

+1 y

Do u like anime?

Yeah, I watch it sometimes. In my experience, most animes with about 24 episodes are the best ones. Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

How can I get girlfriend to respect and follow Islam?

You won't be able to convert her, period. That's like her asking you to convert to atheism. You need to be more respectful of her beliefs, because religion ain't something you can just go to or... Relationships

+1 y

Guys, why do guys rarely use emojis?

I really don't like them all too well. Since I'm a boring person, none of them would really match me anyway. Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Whats the difference between Religion and Spirituality?

Religion is a set of moral principles along with a god, a deity, or an influencing figure. Spirituality is basically your personal view on anything. Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

"Christian negates his own morality"?

I've actually checked out a couple of these videos before. Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Do you think the world would be better without religion?

No, not necessarily. Religion actually gives people hope. Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Which Chore is Worse, Laundry or Dishes?

Bro, doing the dishes absolutely sucks.. I feel your pain. Other

+1 y

Would getting a boob job change your views on a girl?

Nope. Just like how women put on makeup, a boobjob is just for physical enhancements of her own self. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Why do I hate gold diggers so damn much?

Because the gold diggers people face will use you to drain you of your money. I hate them too bro. Relationships

+1 y

Are all humans equal?

We aren't equal, but we have the will and the rights to be treated equally. But we just aren't. Other

+1 y

Should schools teach both evolution and creationism?

As much as I believe everyone is entitled to their beliefs, I don't think that religion should be taught in school. Education & Career

+1 y

Should men treat women like queens by default?

Unless you want to get walked on, I don't recommend this. Society & Politics

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