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+1 y

British Parliament slaps PC/SJW/femi nazis in the face by shutting down safe spaces. About time?

Mostly the entitled people, originally mainly gays, wanted it ok for them to offend others, but God forbid anyone say anything THEY find offensive. They are seconded by many fembots, but it was... Trending & News

+1 y

Insecure women, who create Unnecessary Drama - OVER ANALYZING SITUATIONS? WHY?

1. Women don't communicate their feelings to their s. o. and so they don't know how their partner feels about them.. or about other women, who after all are usually around.. They are afraid... Relationships

+1 y

Do you think kids these days are growing up too fast in all the bad ways and not fast enough in the good ones?

Yes, the Internet makes them think they know it all, and gives them access to all the latest starlet fashions... which they blindly imitate, and then think they must be adult now, since they look... Other

+1 y

Who wears leggings under their jeans *every day*?

If it's REALLY cold, I can see wearing them under jeans. Unless you spend all your time indoors. But it would have be <0 of that to be necessary, I think Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

What are annoying things girls do when you text them? Has a girl's texting quirks ever impacted your feeling towards her?

Not so much. I'm also not a consistent texted. I don't check for messages often if I'm not expecting one. Society & Politics

+1 y

How long should I wait before texting him back?

He might have a good reason for ddelaying a reply. It would depend on what you said in your text--are you asking him for a major commitment, or a decision on something sensitive, for example? He... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

If you could be a model for one thing on your body, what would it be?

Cheekbones. They show my native American blood. Make healthy girls' voices rise in pitch. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Female coworker keeps staring at me?

She's probably thinking you need a haircut or something like that. Or you remind her of a hated former boyfriend. Better to look at the glass as half empty when women are staring. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Why did my ex-boyfriend tell me he really wants to be friends?

He might just be worried about the complications coming from work relationships, the gossip, and the awkwardness if you break up It's awkward already, but after a month only! And you weren't... Relationships

+1 y

Why do girls give mixed signals?

They may be kinda sorta already in a relationship, or are unsure who you are and won't commit to anything without knowing you better. Or they may know the truth about you, so naturally they... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Girls!!! Send nudes?

I've never sent them either, and no girls have asked me for them. But I've had a raft of them sent to me here on Gag. At least half a dozen times, once a year or so, unsolicited! Girl's Behavior

+1 y

When they're online but don't reply right away?

I feel the same way here. If they don't reply to a PM and instead go on responding to anonymous questions, they obviously don't care much about what we were messaging about. But that's ok,... Dating

+1 y

Is it weird that When my girlfriend rejects me Sexually, I feel like cheating on her to satisfy my Ego?

It sounds as if she is using sex to manipulate you, which is not uncommon. I don't think she will care so much if you cheat. That would not be a way to 'get even' with her. Instead , ask her... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Is he trying to cop a feel?

I'd say he's telling you he would LIKE to have a feel. He's not really doing it, as long as his hands aren't going too low on your back.. right? Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Do you think girls or guys like watching belly dancing more?

Generally this is a family event, and in my experience, women like it as much as men, if we're talking traditional belly dancing and not strip club stuff. Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Old roommate used a guy to get knocked up on purpose? Should I tell him what she did?

I bet the father knows what happened already but contact him. It won't do him any good, he's stuck paying her until the kid is 18, but he should know for sure, since you have proof. This is... Society & Politics

+1 y

Why do people ask hypothetical questions?

You can assume that the 'hypothetical' situation, unless it's one of the really silly ones like what would you do if your girl turned out be a Martian, relates to a situation in the asker's life.... Other

+1 y

Why don't women know how to cook anymore?

They all think they're Wonder Woman or Hilary clinton, and think cooking if for losers. They're all going to be President and someone will cook for them. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Do you like salt and vinegar chips?

too much salt already on other similar chips, now they want to add MORE? Food & Beverage

+1 y

Are you an Introvert, Ambivert or an Extrovert?

Like most people, I can adapt my style. Am I with friends or strangers? Are the people around me mostly introverts or mostly extroverts? 'Ambiverts?" chuckle. It's getting to be like shopping... Family & Friends

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