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+1 y

Do you agree with this woman, that single women in their 30's are "literally the fart in the lift" ?

Eh. People overall need to realize that if you want to date well, you need to take care of both your body and your mind. A lot of women and men who want to moan about being single can't be... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

What race or ethnic group are at the bottom of the food chain when it comes to experiencing racism?

When it comes to experiencing racism? White people definitely have it the worst in the USA. They are the only racial group in the USA that are viscously attacked for acting in their own... Society & Politics

+1 y

Are the gas shortages affecting you?

My kid sister in Atlanta called me 5/11 after work panicked that she could not find gas, and she had been in line to get gas when the station ran out literally one car ahead of her. I immediately... Trending & News

+1 y

Guys, Would you marry a housewife?

No. My mom was a teacher and became a housewife with my dad, who made great money in IT. She hated it and would tell us how she gave up her career and wasted her life for us. Ironically she... Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

Does a person become a Racist though experience or through brainwashing during youth?

Experience. Studies show that kids who go to more racially diverse schools have worse attitudes about other races compared to kids who go to more racially homogenus schools. Me personally, I... Society & Politics

+1 y

What do you think of Abraham Lincoln and his relevance to current racial tensions?

"You and we are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but this physical... Society & Politics

+1 y

Do you agree with the MGTOW crew, that intelligent female robots will replace women?

It's interesting reading articles about this and women's reactions. Could this become widespread? Hm. I think it would alter the paradigm as much as the birth control pill and abortion did,... Society & Politics

+1 y

I Will Never Be A Well Behaved Woman - Thoughts on this poem?

Women's misbehavior can only go as far as men's proper behavior will support it. These women want to brag about their failure to "behave" yet you can see the years of pain and suffering their... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

What should be done about this native American man harrassing underage school boys?

If white people reacted to racial slights the same way blacks/browns do, we would literally have exterminated them all from the USA by now. Hell. Four black people kidnapped an autistic white... Trending & News

+1 y

Would you be Killed for Christ?

Like if I was at a guillotine and had to make a choice, accept the mark of the beast or die? I hope I would have the courage to refuse the mark. But kinda arrogant to claim how you'd act in the... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Am I bad friend for not believing her rape allegations?

OMG my younger sister did the same thing! Ran away from home at 17, moved in with a boyfriend that she was so in love with, those bruises were from hitting a door, etc. Finally broke up... Family & Friends

+1 y

Would you ever leave a partner because they gained significant weight?

Actually yes. I was dating a girl who was overweight, but personality wise we were pretty great. Near the beginning she showed initiative to work out and eat right, and I thought "Hey! She's... Dating

+1 y

How do I become a better sexter?

Read erotica. I've gotten to the point where I can get women to play with themselves and cum from my sexts. All thanks to reading erotica and having decent writing skills. Flirting

+1 y

New Dating App:, thoughts?

LMAO I am pretty positive that will be a bigger hit with women than men. For many women, a man being potentially violent/dangerous is a big turn on. Men aren't turned on by the idea that... Dating

+1 y

How can I get my boyfriend to be ok with my body goal?

Here's the thing. It's masculine. It's not feminine. Can women get fit and toned and be feminine? Sure! But it's a line. look at Gina Carano--fit, strong, could hold her own in a fight.... Relationships

+1 y

Why would more guys go for Lanisha over Lupita Nyongo?

Lupita has a shaved head like a cancer patient... Hideous Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Is Islam really as evil as you perceive it to be? If so, why is it the FASTEST growing religion with the most CONVERTS in the world today?

People do indeed convert. Perhaps they are the empty, without purpose. Perhaps men looking for a sense of purpose in fighting for something and killing and gaining prizes. Perhaps women who desire... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Which GAGers would you challenge to help you eat a box of 300 doughnuts in 1 hour?

That would literally put about 3 pounds of fat on you if you ate just 50 of those donuts Food & Beverage

+1 y

Flat earth references?

Your idea relies on that every single government that has planes and tech to actually see that the world is flat... is all in on it. A Canadian Minister of Defense has flat out said there's... Religion & Spirituality

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