Yes if she was hot
Yes if she was nice
Not even if hot
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No. My mom was a teacher and became a housewife with my dad, who made great money in IT. She hated it and would tell us how she gave up her career and wasted her life for us.
Ironically she went back to teaching last year and hated it and decided she wanted to retire.
Your mother was like my mother, she had no business raising a family.
Yeah, if she was good with kids and wanted to have a lot of them
@MysteriousDarkness: I'm obviously not going to marry a woman who's already married
The word housewife, at least for me, implies a woman who stays home and takes care of the children and the home while her HUSBAND is at work.
@OlderAndWiser. Yes the mother is the head of the house and the father is the head of the family.
@KrakenAttackin That’s an interesting statement
I would've said no for a long time, but recently I've started warming up to the idea, granted I make enough to allow for it. It'll be easy for me to work from home in my profession, so if my wife was also a housewife, that would make travelling extremely easy, and we'd be able to pretty much spend all day, every day together.
Buuut, in order for me to feel like she was contributing equally, she would have to be a damn good housewife. She'd have to do 100% of the cooking and cleaning, and actually take the time and effort to be excellent at both, and she'd also have to do all of the shopping and help with the clerical work.
It is 2021, women have as much opportunities as we men do when it comes to finding love, a job, a house, or a passion. I don't see a housewife in this day and age as something valuable because to me that's not only a mouth I have to feed but she's going to require an upkeep. Why would I take that away from a woman when she can provide it for herself when she is working? Let's be honest most women have worked plenty of jobs some have make and graduate college at a higher rate than men. I don't want a housewife, I want a life partner.
So, here's the rub... a "housewife" implies someone who chooses to not have a career. If her job is taking care of the home, the kids, and herself then that is valuable and a good partner. But most housewives I know - including the wife I left - would be fired if that was their actual job. Don't be lazy and you might make it work.
What she is should not be an issue but who she is - Feelings about her being a housewife can be dealt with during the getting to know each other stage - I don't think it would perturb me beyond the practical stuff , does she have kids or do we want kids - Can we afford for her to stay at home?
Sure. If that's what she wants to do with her life it's fine with me. Taking care of kids single handily by myself, doing housework, and working a job is tough. To marry someone who's able to help out would be nice, considering if that's what she wants.
Would you marry a housewife?
That means she would already be married.
@MysteriousDarkness I figured OP meant someone who's a homemaker, but in that case, nope. I can marry someone who's already married.
No - she IS already married :D
but seeing what you mean: from tradition I'm not against it. But from observation I personally find the housewives I know a little too... normal?
No. I don't want to work all day to support us all. Also I want to see the kids too. I know I couldn't if I worked all day to support the kids and a wife.
I wouldn't consider 2-3 hours a day as seeing my kids. If I'm at work for 8 hours a day plus the hour drive to and from work and my time asleep. 8+2+8 is 18, 24-18 leaves me 6 hours to speak to my kids, clean, shopping, other tasks could get in the way like car problems, furnace, health issues. Do you see what I mean? Plus I bet I'd need overtime at work to make ends meet. I'd like some free time to relax and listen to my kids. I don't want to be the Dad who has no time to spend with his kids bc he needs to pay bills.
I would prefer a housewife, and she doesn’t need to be hot, as long as she is pretty, but hot is always good thing so I won’t say no to it.
Yes but when the kids old enough I expected her to work part time so she can find her self like purses and get her hair done so she can buy clothes and shoes for herself
Yeah it’s she’s nice, decent personality and all usual box ticking side of things.
Would you marry a housewife?
That means she would already be married.
@MysteriousDarkness obviously not if she is married.
The English sentence does not imply that.
As long as I bust a nut in her every night hey let the dishwasher do all the work while we have fun
Would you marry a housewife?
That means she would already be married.
I would only marry a housewife.
What the hell's the point of having a wife if she's never home and always banging her coworkers?
Would you marry a housewife?
That means she would already be married.
I think it would be awesome to come home to her every night.
Wait, wouldn't that mean she's ALREADY married? I'd take a hard pass on that.
I am okay with marrying a housewife. I think imposing feminist standards on girls is also oppressive
@MysteriousDarkness if she is divorced or widowed
We don't mean a housewife is married. She could be single girl who wants to be a housewife
The question is would you marry a housewife? You would not ask someone if they would marry a person they are already married to. On top the question wasn'tcwould you marry somonecwho wants to be a housewife.
Housewife - a married woman who manages her own household, especially as her principal occupation.
Sure, I have had stay at home girlfriends that cleaned the house and cooked. Sometimes I would come home from work during lunch just to put a couple of loads in them. They really took care of my needs
Would you marry a housewife?
That means she would already be married.
@MysteriousDarkness That's it buddy. you just made my list
If you are implying marrying a single parent, that's a big ask.
sure , i make good money and prefer a wife with no job , so i have power over her
Would you marry a housewife?
That means she would already be married.
marry no , but to fuck only , sure
If I had that kind of money and that's what she wanted, sure.
Would you marry a housewife?
That means she would already be married.
Sure, I would not rule that out as a possibility.
Would you marry a housewife?
That means she would already be married.
@MysteriousDarkness Actually, no, I meant to say I would marry a container.
2. house·wife: a small case for needles, thread, and other small sewing items.
Don't judge me.
Yes, if we can afford to do that.
Would you marry a housewife?
That means she would already be married.
Housewife - a married woman who manages her own household, especially as her principal occupation.
With that said I don't think you understood the question.
Yes, if she was a nice person.
Would you marry a housewife?
That means she would already be married.
I wouldn’t marry someone else’s house wife 😆
That's what I am looking for.
Would you marry a housewife?
That means she would already be married.
@MysteriousDarkness Nah, but I don't think that's the question
Yes if she is hot and nice.
Would you marry a housewife?
That means she would already be married.
Is she married married or married then divorced?
If she is nice and sincere
Would you marry a housewife?
That means she would already be married.
@MysteriousDarkness if a housewife is an widowed, a dicovocred, single or separated, no problem to marry her
Housewife - a married woman who manages her own household, especially as her principal occupation.
With that said how is she a housewife if she is single, divorced or widowed? If they are separated they are still legally married so why get with them?
@MysteriousDarkness it is not essential that housewife must be married. Housewife, means, who looks after her house
I gave you the definition of it. Is it called housegirlfriend or housefiancee? No it's called housewife. Part of the compound word is wife.
@MysteriousDarkness okay
hell no women are prostitutes
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