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How to Talk to Girls

What's up my boys, today I'm gonna give some killer advice on how to talk to girls that'll land you a straight up Conversation. Crazy right? Now what you must first do is follow my lead for these pro tips on how to be awesome at talking to girls. Tip one. Make sure you have the following...

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A Closer Look at the "Nice Guy/Girl" in its Natural Habitat: How These Delusional People Get Their Title

I know I'm basically ripping off @ChronicThinker at this point but I just want to add myTake on this... See what I...? Nevermind. This is not to take the piss out of anyone, but I will be very happy if it does regardless. So let's go into the wilderness and observe the life of a nice guy, or...

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5 Reasons Why the Phrase "White Privilege" Shouldn't Offend You

Disclaimer I would like to say off the bat that if you're a person to use "white privilege" as a demonizing term. Don't. It's not really an insult. White privilege and male privilege are an actual thing. They may not be strictly enforced as law, but they are indeed a product of society as we are...

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MyTake on Pursuing a Career in Animation

Interested in making animation your profession? Well then it's time for you to enter the world of having your passion become your job, and having suicidal thoughts on a daily basis! My Experience... • I am going to come out the gate saying I am not a professional animator. Howeve, I have taken...

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You're Not Funny, You're Just an A**hole

You're not funny, you're just an asshole. Picture of myself so I can keep this dumb theme going. Unpopular opinion time! I mean this is my first MyTake so I'll try my best to be super opinionated and give nobody the benefit of the doubt. I see a lot of people in the internet use the phrase...

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I'm leaving G@G; here's why.

So I'm going to be deleting my account 3 days after I post this myTake. I have about 10 reasons why, I'm sure none of you care, but I'm posting this anyway with a few quick doodles I made to lighten the mood. Consider it a little effort put into something I used to care about. That being this...

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I'm done talking about WhoaBoy.

*As a quick disclaimer, I would like to inform whoever is reading this that Whoaboy is not a username anyone posses on this website at the time of me writing this. If you managed to find one, then G@G staff, please fix your God damned search engine. Whoaboy is a metaphor, an enigma, and a pain...

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My Review of the myTake "What Happened to Men being Men?"

Attention all vegans! Attention all soy boys! According to this myTake called... "What Happened to Men being Men?" ... men are no longer men anymore! Now this was shared with me recently, and people wanted my opinion on this. In my opinion... I believe that this myTake is TOO SOFT on men who are...

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A brand new G@Ger! Meet WHOABOY11r!

I'm here to introduce WHOABOY to all of you, he's my new inspiration on G@G, and I brought him here to not only inspire you, but to bring you all smiles and joy! Here's a ridiculously edited picture of WHOABOY! He doesn't have photo lab so he can only make himself look 90%. But he's in his...

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