A brand new G@Ger! Meet WHOABOY11r!


I'm here to introduce WHOABOY to all of you, he's my new inspiration on G@G, and I brought him here to not only inspire you, but to bring you all smiles and joy!

Here's a ridiculously edited picture of WHOABOY!

A brand new G@Ger! Meet WHOABOY11r!

He doesn't have photo lab so he can only make himself look 90%.

But he's in his 30's, he's single, and he's ready to harass you! So I'll hand this myTake over to him now...

"And I'm going to be the main focus today!

So HI everyone!


And I'm going to share a myTake all about what you should know about me! In this new myTake...


WHOABOY! 7 things you should know about me before we become BFF's!




1.) I post a lot pictures of myself! And you have to take them all seriously!




Ready to see 3 of these hyper edited pictures per day?

Just wait until I become a master and I'm able to post 4 of these per day!

And this doesn't even include all the myTakes I'm gonna make, posting photo after photo!

You'll see my head edited on someone else's MUCH more fit body, then I'll put a bunch of stars and glitter in front of my eyes!

Also, do you want my picture to be related to the question at all? Fuck you! I'll post whatever I want, and if people ask me about it, then they're stalkers and scum!


2.) I'll ask questions that leave the option to praise me and tell me I'm handsome!


Dear God...
Dear God...


Let's be honest, because I posted a picture of myself that's not related to the question, doesn't mean people are going to call me hot!

People might not know that in order to answer one of my questions you have to praise the inhuman amalgamation of a picture I posted!

So I'll ask questions like "Who is the most attractive G@Ger!" or "Who's the most attractive guy on G@G!" just to narrow it down!

Sometimes I'll ask questions like "Why do people think I'm evil" and post a picture of myself looking like a villain, it's a great way to fish for compliments, and also a great way to post a really cringe worthy picture!

A brand new G@Ger! Meet WHOABOY11r!

As soon as I get enough followers to orbit around me and tell me I'm handsome and hot, then I'll be able to finally feel good about myself again! Speaking of which!


3.) I'll be nice and flirt with people, just to get them to defend all of my actions!


A brand new G@Ger! Meet WHOABOY11r!


I've always wanted to be able to bully people, but the problem is I'm not clever enough to to do anything but playground insult people.

So I'll get a bunch of women I flirted with to bully them for me!

And if people criticize me, I'll have a shield of girls who are desperate for my recognition defending my credibility!

Like a swarm of brainwashed bees around a hive!

If enough people defend me for no reason, then I can't lose! Even if some of them get caught being a pedophile!


4.) If you even SLIGHTLY criticize me, you might as well hit me with a BUS!


A brand new G@Ger! Meet WHOABOY11r!


If you criticize me, you're basically a serial killer! You might as well beat me over the skull with a baseball bat, because how can anyone be so cruel? If anyone makes fun of my editing, then you're a bully, and are the cause of all suicides!

If you ask why my pictures look Narcissistic, then you're probably worse than Hitler. Because at least Hitler didn't criticize the way I looked.

If you start criticizing me I'll start saying things like "what have I done to you?" or "why are you degrading me?" or I won't even talk to you, and I'll just block you! :)


5.) I'm really good at pretending to be the victim!


A brand new G@Ger! Meet WHOABOY11r!


So I've been recovering in the hospital from getting my entire jaw removed, and I also had to get all three of my legs amputated and replaced with squid tentacles.

I use all these pictures as a form of online therapy to cope with how inhuman I look!

So if you don't like them, you are ACTUALLY making fun of a disabled person!

I pour my heart out every day, making pictures of myself, just to SURVIVE living in a world that is so cruel to me!

I swear every day I'm looked at as a freak by everyone online.

Just because I act like a child and throw a tantrum any time someone says something negative about me, then proceed to flirt with my female followers as a defense mechanism!

I wonder why nobody takes me seriously! ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ


6.) I'm a stalker and a pathological liar!


A brand new G@Ger! Meet WHOABOY11r!


Want to know who my next lover is? Well I'll talk to all of my male G@G friends and spread a rumor that I'm actually getting married to @ ChronicThinker (even though she's eloped with someone else!)

I'll also tell people that I have girls who follow me around, and make sexual comments about them behind their back! Wand when people call me out for it, I'll deny it like you're a troll!

Guess what else I lie about? Did you know I'm a psychologist? I help kids with special needs, yet I can't even socialize with normal people without stalking them to the point of putting them on a calendar!

Guys it's fine, if I'm friends with someone, it doesn't matter if I'm constantly asking them for sexual favors! And even if I'm not, it's OK to lie and say I did! It's just harmless fun!


7.) I'm the King of G@G!


A brand new G@Ger! Meet WHOABOY11r!


Look guys I get it.

You only HATE me because you want to BE me! I'm an absolute girl magnet, and you only hate me because I'm hot and you're not! Just because you're not as good at looking like a zombie as me doesn't meant you have to BULLY ME!

You're just jealous because everyone loves me instead of you! You wish you had all of these brainwashed people worshiping your appearance too, even when they know nothing about you!

You're all just haters, and I can't hear peasants when my castle is too tall!


Wrap up!


I love you all, and I hope my words in Sketchโ€™s take did enough to sell you on the funny, likeable, and kind personality traits I represent!

Time to hand it back to Sketch!"



You G@Gers are smart enough to figure out what I'm doing...


But for now, remember everyone! Stay Whoa'd!

A brand new G@Ger! Meet WHOABOY11r!
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