Do you use COUPONS when you shop?

Do you use COUPONS when you shop?

My local grocery store sends me in-store coupons for things I normally buy, and I use them. I also occasionally receive manufacturer's coupons, some for things I regularly buy and some for things I don't.

Several years go, stores would double or triple the value of the coupon, sometimes resulting in the store paying you to buy the thing. Those days are past, but coupons are still a good way to save money.

Of course, there are some people who carry coupon-clipping to the extreme. There are stories of people buying $200 of groceries and only paying $14, thanks to coupons.

What about you?

Do you use coupons? What's your favorite coupon story?

YES - I use coupons
NO - I don't use coupons
We DON'T HAVE coupons where I am.
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Do you use COUPONS when you shop?
27 Opinion