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+1 y

My girlfriend ignores me when she’s on her period, is this normal behaviour?

its normal. I know it sucks to deal with though. its just that hormones are messing around with her and with symptoms she's dealing with and stuff, yeah its not much of a happy time. so she's... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Do you feel inferior to your opposite gender?

I don't feel inferior or superior. really there are some things that guys can do better, and some things girls can do better too. think about it (an example), females are the ones who are able... Other

+1 y

What was puberty like for you?

a living nightmare haha. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Are you feminine, masculine, androgynous, or undifferentiated?

I'm not total butch but I seem to be more masculine than feminine Other

+1 y

Do you support free the nipple movement?

I'm not for or against it. its the individual's decision. as for myself, I'm keeping mine hidden lol Society & Politics

+1 y

Piercing: yay or nay?

yay! XD I'm eventually wanting to pierce up. nostril ring, naval, and labret. as of right now I have the "More normal" thing of double pierced earlobes. most piercings I'm fine with. the only ones... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Are filters false advertising?

the one thing that is more false than anything is mascara commercials. all the girls in the commercials are usually wearing fake lashes (even says so in fine print at the corner of the screen... Dating

+1 y

Can you blow bubbles with Gum?

yup! takes skill though. Other

+1 y

What Trend Are You Tired Of?

any trend dealing with fashion, or stupid challenges like eating tide pods. I never follow those trends, I go my own way. Other

+1 y

How old were you when you fell in love for the first time?

first time I fell for someone I was 13. it happened with a few others when I was 14. but 16 I was truly in love then with a guy who actually loved me back. thatttt was until a month ago when we... Relationships

+1 y

Girls, would you date a 5'3'' guy?

I'm only 5'2" so it wouldn't bother me Dating

+1 y

Why is it easier for me to get along with boys rather than girls?

maybe because you have at least a little bit of a boyish attitude? I do, to the point where some people have thought I was a lesbian. I get along with everyone but sometimes I relate to guys a bit... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Failing 9th grade, which option should I do?

you need to tell your dad!! go for option 2. even if you're having to redo classes, at least there's the credit recovery thing. I'm stuck in a credit recovery thing right now myself as a 12th grader. Education & Career

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