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+1 y

How do you feel about forehead kisses💋💋?

its romantic when its done to some who you are already involved with Relationships

+1 y

Is Montreal a nice place to live despite the weather?

The best universities in Canada are in Toront9, the best in the world however are in the country to the south, aka the U. S. A Other

+1 y

Do you have heterochromia?

I have Hazel Eyes which some people consider to be heterochromia Other

+1 y

Iowa man sentenced to 16 years in prison for burning an LGBT flag! Thoughts?

Or you know, the arson involved which could have burned down a building. And yes he was motivated by hatw, thus a hate crime Society & Politics

+1 y

What are you hoping to get for Christmas?

Pajamas Disney plus Tickets to, Rise of Skywalker for me and my best friend Audiobooks of, Blood of Empire and King of the road Holidays

+1 y

Why does Pakistani crime mayor Sadiq khan blame others for latest attack rather than the Pakistani community for pakistani Usman Khan terror attack?

At least in th3 U. S stop and frisk or stop and search is a blatant violation of constitutional rights. Trending & News

+1 y

Do you still play red dead online?

I thought about giving it a go but I haven't, I REALLY love the game though Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Do you trust police?

My local cops yes, Cops in general? No Society & Politics

+1 y

Late teenagers (16-19), do you have a plan for your life? Everyone else: should they?

Fuck, I'm 24 and a complete trainwreck. I'm not going to judge Education & Career

+1 y

Anyone watching any of these shows?

None of them. Also Watchmen should never have been made as its always going to he infinitely inferior to the Graphic Novel its based on. Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Do you like carne asada fries?

Carne Asada is good, never had carne asada fries. Is that a Californian thing? Food & Beverage

+1 y

Is Love a privilege or a right?

Its neither, its part of nature. That's like asking if gravity is a privilege or a right. Its something that just is. Relationships

+1 y

How is the quality of life in the United States?

In most parts, but there are places much worse. Rural Appalachia, most of Alaska, much of the southeast, and some cities are impoverished, but so are large parts of Western Canada, and like... Travel

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