Have you ever gotten a degree online?

when I say degree I mean a real degree that can land you a job/profession once you've graduated, not a useless certificate like most...

What is your life goal?

Helloooo 🤩🤩 im curious about what is your goal in this life? I feel lost because I think we study then we overwork to be able to...

How many careers do you have?

How do you balance multiple careers? I wanted to further my education and did over the last 10 years elevating myself to...

What's Bad About Being Monolingual?

I am content with being monolingual because I see learning multiple languages as mentally taxing. I value learning how to drive &...

Are you able to be productive at work on Mondays?

All I do is pretend to be busy by taking 1 hour to finish a job that I could complete in 10 minutes.

Have you ever heard of high status workers that suddenly shift jobs?

I heard a lot of stories like that online. People who quit banking to go into medicine cause they decide that pure money is not enough...

Should I report this to the director or let the clients mom handle it?

I called out sick and reported it 2 days ahead of my schedule so that way my shift is covered. I come into work today and the mom asked...
0 3

Are you good in mathematics?

3 5

If you're pretty new at a workplace and you work with someone younger than you?

Do you think it's rude if they don't say hi/bye to you
1 1

Can anyone offer me some job advice? Which one should I choose?

I don’t like phones. But the pay for the first one sucks.
0 7

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