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Polls: Education & Career

Does anyone else here think school delays are plain stupid?

My 6 yo daughter's school keeps delaying school for 2 hours, and her dad and I are already at work by that time. Both of our parents live a good 20 minutes/an hour away, so it's not like we can just take her there nor can...
My 6 yo daughter's school keeps delaying school for 2 hours, and her dad and I are already at work by that time. Both of our parents live a good 20 minutes/an hour away, so it's not Show More
100% agree
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How would you choose your career?

Like would you choose something which pays very good at the expense of sacrificing something you really enjoy doing, but perhaps doesn't pay so well, and/or does not carry much prestige/respect as some professions do?
Like would you choose something which pays very good at the expense of sacrificing something you really enjoy doing, but perhaps doesn't pay so well, and/or does not carry much Show More
A career doing something I like doing
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If you could get into any university in the world, where would you go?

If you could choose, what would be your university of choice?
If you could choose, what would be your university of choice? Show More
Oxford (UK)
Harvard (USA)
Cambridge (UK)
Lomonosov (Russia)
Princeton (USA)
ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
Stanford (USA)
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No (post reason why)
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Are you ready to bring tech jobs BACK to the US?

A believe a huge problem is that we are outsourcing a lot of our tech roles overseas. In the US, we are currently facing a white-collar job recession, with tech being hit the hardest. So many, including myself, are facing...
A believe a huge problem is that we are outsourcing a lot of our tech roles overseas. In the US, we are currently facing a white-collar job recession, with tech being hit the hardest. Show More
See poll
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What's the highest education you've achieved?

Your highest level of education?
Your highest level of education? Show More
Preschool education / Nursery school / Pre-Primary school
Primary / Elementary school
Lower secondary education / Middle school / Junior high school
Upper secondary education / High school diploma
Associate degree / Foundation degree
Bachelor's degree / Master's degrees
Doctorate / Doctoral degree / Ph. D
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Were you surprised at how little college actually teaches you?

everything felt neutered of meaning. random facts that lead to nothing. deliberately 10x slower than it could be
everything felt neutered of meaning. random facts that lead to nothing. deliberately 10x slower than it could be Show More
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Why would a teacher give less quality teaching to one student and seem to give better teaching to other students?

I feel a bit like I’ve been scammed because my old guitar teacher just confused me a bit and wasn’t very clear how he was explaining stuff, then would get a bit annoyed if I took a guitar lesson off someone else, he’d say...
I feel a bit like I’ve been scammed because my old guitar teacher just confused me a bit and wasn’t very clear how he was explaining stuff, then would get a bit annoyed if I took a Show More
He’s gaslighting and manipulating you.
His style of teaching doesn’t work for you
He wants to slow down your progress
Other (explain)
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My college/university tuition was/is reasonably priced. It was/is $__________ and it was/is worth the money because ___________.
My college/university tuition was/is NOT reasonably priced. It was/is $__________ and it was/is NOT worth the money because ___________.
Other / I want to see results.
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Not fitting in at work, should I quit?

The place where I work currently I have been there for a year and four months but I feel I don’t fit in well with my colleagues due to my quiet nature and introversion. At work there it seems to be more in favour of...
The place where I work currently I have been there for a year and four months but I feel I don’t fit in well with my colleagues due to my quiet nature and introversion. At work there Show More
Am I being unreasonable?
Not unreasonable
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Only if coached properly
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Yes. They paid for my tuition, housing, and food for College/University.
Somewhat yes, they paid for my _________. The rest was paid for by __________.
No. They did not pay for my tuition, housing, or food for College/University. They were paid for by __________.
I have not attended College/University.
Other / I want to see results.
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Yes, I had a wage-paying job during College/University. I managed my time by _____.
No, I never had a wage-paying job during College/University.
I never attended College/University.
Other / I want to see results.
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bug bounty hunter
commercial airline pilot
police officer
physician assistant
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Day sun🌞
Evening 🌤🌥
Night 🌙
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Does anybody else who works weekdays get the "Sunday Blues"?

I have always gotten the "Sunday Blues." I read an article that said that many do and it is a real thing. I was just wondering does anybody else who works weekdays get the "Sunday Blues." I have created a poll because I...
I have always gotten the "Sunday Blues." I read an article that said that many do and it is a real thing. I was just wondering does anybody else who works weekdays get the "Sunday Show More
Yes. I get the Sunday Blues.
No. I don't get the Sunday Blues.
I don't work weekdays.
Something Else. Please explain.
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Being a reddit. com moderator is more fulfilling
Being a girlsaskguys. com muderator is more fulfilling
Being another moderator (perhaps coaching people) is the best
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What is the best way to become a billionaire?

In what way would you like to become a billionaire?
In what way would you like to become a billionaire? Show More
By buying & selling stocks, bonds, and other financial securities
By investing in real estate
By winning a Lottery
By inventing some new hit-product and selling it worldwide
By obtaining an inheritance from a wealthy relative
By working two or three jobs
I would like to be born into a billionaire's family
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Do you have a job that you go to?

Or do you live off the gov?
Or do you live off the gov? Show More
Yes I have a job
I live off the gov
I mooch off of others
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