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Videos: Girl's Behavior

The asinine question of: Man or bear? Saw the question posed earlier, the bear was chosen as the 'safer' option, supposedly backed up by the most unscientific and incomplete "research." The psyop is real. Society is...
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Why do women victimize themselves on purpose?

Women SHOCKED men looked at her in booty pants at gym, women PREFER BEARS to men in woods -
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Girls, do you like girls? According to song every girls are lesbian, well is it true
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Why do young women so often speak like thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?

Like, yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Croaky-voice, also known as vocal fry. I tried doing it myself a few times, but I just can't, it doesn't work for me :(
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Women try to force man to pay for $700 dinner tab since he was the only man at the table?

So here is the breakdown: Dinner was for a wife’s friend birthday 6 people total. Man’s wife invited the other women Man told the server that was going to pay for his wife and for the birthday day girl. However told the...
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* Does Birth Control create very angry and bitter young ladies?

- Abortion’s obviously part of it, but they’ve been sold a lie through culture, through media, through even some of their parents that you basically have to go pursue this corporate trajectory, and that men are always the...
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Have you ever called anyone or been called 'sugar'?
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Why do some women like to show off? 😂🤣😅 Someone needs a weed whacker!
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Why are women suffering a mental health crisis? I think we need to do more to help and protect women.
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Girls, what do you think of this song?
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Did you hear about Olivia Munn's breast cancer diagnosis? Just a reminder ladies, check your girls and if you're over 40, get them squished once a year.
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Does no always mean no?

Bill Burr - No means no -
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Insta models using fake baby dolls to breastfeed/promote Onlyfans?

damn insta models are becoming smarter and creative to promote their Onlyfans but isn't it sick to use use baby doll? a whole instagram page breastfeeding fake baby dolls
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Is content like this responsible for exposing female nature?

Notice how when the woman spoke no one interrupted her. However anytime the man attempted to speak, she would overtalk him. This is a typical female tactic, designed to make the audience only hear their side of the story....
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Do you believe that if bad women use laws like no fault divorce to take advantage of men that good women would want to do the same?

Bad men do bad things to good women. Bad women do bad things to good men. When law steps in to try to protect good women from bad men, sometimes those laws will be used by the bad women to do things to good men. Men said...
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Are you worried about the toxic effects upon Young women in the English speaking world?

Watching Freya India observation it seems young women particularly on the "WOKE" side have a mental health crisis with record numbers now requiring treatment. The primary problem being they are embracing an external...
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Why do the fattest/unattractive women always the one with the highest standards? I literally never men any woman who is lean, thin or average with such high ass standards. its usually the women who are fat and beyond that have the highest standards. I always...
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Why can girls not be like anime girls?

Do girls not realize that many of us are kind of obsessed with anime girls because we love them both so very much? Now to be fair the anime girls tend to be portrayed idealistic and wife material (you can see that by the...
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Why Are Women So Mean Today?
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Girls, how funny do you find this clip?
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