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1 y

What movie/film impacted your life the most?

The lord of the rings trilogy, this trilogy has so many scenes that have impacted me emotionally in a good way. Aragorn is probably my favorite character, one scene of his in particular that has... Entertainment & Arts

1 y

Your favorite saying?

“History is written by the victor.” “Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth.” Society & Politics

1 y

What video game have you hated the most, but it looked fun kind of?

Any of the newer call of duty games (anything after Advanced warfare). Modern warfare/Warzone is the worst out of all of them. Just look at this nonsense. Entertainment & Arts

1 y

If you were a social media influencer, what would you be known for?

Politics (platform to promote my ideology) fitness gaming fashion product reviews Entertainment & Arts

1 y

The current Democrat party has become so low and bad they actually make the Republican party look decent. Do you agree with that statement?

I definitely agree. Republicans are no Saints either but at least Republicans don’t constantly try to infringe on my rights and liberties. Society & Politics

1 y

Johnny Depp... Your overall thoughts about him?

I’m glad he won the court case, it restores my hope in America since it shows that America is still resisting femicommie tyranny. Society & Politics

1 y

Why do French people like to spread ugly rumors about Americans?

I never heard French doing that. However I know the Canucks up north like to constantly talk smack about the US because they are nothing more than a bootleg version of the US. Whenever... Society & Politics

1 y

If you could change three things about America 🇺🇸 what would they be?

Abolish extradition for non violent crimes as innocent people can fall victim to it Psychiatric hospital reforms, too much abuse happens in American psych wards Strengthen self defense rights so... Society & Politics

1 y

What noises really piss you off?

People honking in the street Speeding cars Rude people spouting off (I just wanted to punch them so bad👊🥴) the sound of a restaurant rush (I work in a restaurant) Society & Politics

1 y

Why is nobody addressing the mental health problem in America?

The problem is that the mentally ill are shunned groups of people who’s conditions are stigmatized by society. There is so much misinformation promoted in regards to mental health, there are... Society & Politics

1 y

Why are people politicizing this tragedy to push their anti gun agenda?

Because far left wingers are disgusting individuals who like to use tragedies to promote their agenda, which is disrespectful towards the mourners. Society & Politics

1 y

Do you think psychological warfare has been effectively administraterd to the United States or your particular nation if you have noticed it?

It’s not a matter of psychological warfare but rather that the US is currently under occupation by far left wingers that control most of our schools, media, workforce, entertainment industry and... Society & Politics

1 y

Texas mom shoots and kills a home invader. She is not charged because of castle doctrine, I think she deserves an award, what do you think?

She definitely deserves an award. That’s one less criminal/anarchist in the world. #Don’tmesswithTexas Society & Politics

1 y

Why is it ok for leftist abortion activists to violate a federal statute that is very similar to the one Jan 6 protesters remain held on?

Because they are hypocrites who like to enforce rules that they believe doesn’t apply to them. What does that make them? Authoritarians. Society & Politics

1 y

What’s your favorite conspiracy theory?

The Nazi flying saucer base in Antarctica conspiracy theory. Story goes that after WWII, many third Reich military personnel and scientists fled to a secret base in Antarctica called “Base... Society & Politics

1 y

Do you think Covid 19 could lead to dictatorship?

We are already in the “proto” stage of a global totalitarian regime. Look at all these practices that are either suspicious, treasonous or immoral. United nations extradition treaties interpol... Society & Politics

+1 y

If Jurassic Park existed and successful, would you go?

Only if I’m riding in an armored vehicle of some sorts like an APC and accompanied by some armed park guides. While also being provided with a combat shotgun and or magnum just in case things go bad. Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Have you ever gotten a like or comment from a famous person on Facebook or Instagram?

Dave Batista like one of my comments on Facebook in regards to a post analyzing James Bond henchmen since this was around the time he starred as “Mr. Hinx” in Spectre (2015). Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

If your life was a movie, what songs would be on the soundtrack?

Opening and Action scenes Scenes with my crush Climax/final battle Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Should all prisoners be put to death?

No, what is needed is balance. That’s the best way to fight crime. Reforms prisons to be more like Norway’s prisons where prisoners are treated like humans who need rehab, instead of animals. At... Society & Politics

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