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13 h

Are vegan sweets healthy?

No, they contain the same amount of sugar and fat than non vegan sweets. Food & Beverage

15 d

Is pepperoni your favorite pizza?

Yes, sort of. Pepperoni has a different meaning im german. Food & Beverage

1 mo

Why do Chinese people eat so many different things?

taste good? Diet is not dictate by Nestlè and co. Food & Beverage

1 mo

Can you afford 26 dollars for a hamburger?

LOL. Why is it always the fear of raising prices when wages go up, but the prices never go down when wages go down. This is just another excuse to pay people a shitty wage. Food & Beverage

1 mo

Is beer a vegetable?😂?

its a smoothie or liquid bread. Food & Beverage

1 mo

What are your favorite things to eat during Easter?

I eat the same stuff all year long. Food & Beverage

1 mo

Guys, are you willing to learn how to bake things?

I know how to bake most things already. Food & Beverage

1 mo

What is your favourite coffee?

We buy all sorts of beans. Mainly Aldi brand beans, Melitta Bella Crema. Food & Beverage

1 mo

Tell me some vegan foods that are easy to eat and tasty?

Anything can be vegan, just don't add dead animals or stuff from animals. Food & Beverage

2 mo

How do you eat your cereal?

Fruits first, Yoghurt, cereal, a little bit of milk, eat the whole thing. Food & Beverage

2 mo

How come we know what water is made of but no one can make it?

Sure you can make water, just put oxygen and hydrogen in a sealed container and it will bind together and form water. Thats how the ISS get their water, from recycled hydrogen rocketfuel. Food & Beverage

2 mo

Is pineapple a man made fruit?

Every frruit you buy in the grocery store is "man made". They are all bred to yield lots of sweet flesh and little to no seeds. And than there are a handfull if fruits that are crossbread... Food & Beverage

2 mo

Do you think every home needs a food thermometer?

No, I never used one in my entire life, and never felt the need to use one. Food & Beverage

2 mo

Make your perfect meal?

Pizza and Mc Flurry Food & Beverage

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