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+1 y

Is it true or false that women like older guys?

Depends, but it is for me I guess. Well I like mature men. Doesn't always have to be older. They can be my age too. Relationships

+1 y

Are you usually big spoon or little spoon?

Little lmao, it just fits my personality more and vice versa Relationships

+1 y

"You are the only one who understands me" - has anyone ever told this to you?

I think so, but I don't say that often myself. I've only ever said that to one person in my life and I really meant it lol. Relationships

+1 y

What would you say to the one who got away? 🤔?

Sorry for everything, hopefully you have forgotten me. 😅🤷‍♀️ for your own health anyway. Relationships

+1 y

If you had to choose, would you rather eat at a table full of extreme introverts or extreme extroverts?

Introverts, because it'll probably be quieter or more interesting. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Someone tries to make you drink when you don't want to - what do you do?

I'd say no thank you, second time, I'd say no. Third, I'd get upset and ask them why they want me to drink so bad then end up leaving. If it's just something everyone I'm out with is doing in... Food & Beverage

+1 y

Do you think Kim Kardashian is attractive?

Yeah actually, like she has a simple look. I get she had surgery but I'll admit she's pretty. Which was what the surgery was for lol. Person did their job. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

What do you guys think about 'All over blush' look?

Lmao I died my hair black (miss my red a little) and I look like a kid still but anyhow. I do my make up a little similar but I try not to go overboard. I like it to be a little subtle. I only do... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

How do you respond when your partner is in a dark place?

I try to support them in whatever way I can and help them get out of it Relationships

+1 y

Is dyed hair attractive on girl?

It really all depends on context, face, skin color, style and etc. Like it's hard to speak generally on it. It's attractive on some and others not. At the end of the day, it's all preference. Just... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Thoughts on Victoria Secrets first 'plus sized' model?

I don't know I feel like she should have more curves and etc if they gonna label her as plus size but to each it's own. I don't fuck with victoria secret that much anyway. Glad something new is... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Who do you think is prettier or better looking - Beyonce or Jessica Alba?

I don't know I find Beyonce just a tad bit prettier. I'm not part of beehive but I really find beyonces beauty relateable. Both inside and out. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Is a bra showing through clothes a mistake or a fashion statement?

If it's see through it's on purpose anything else is accidental. I myself am not a fan of with everything thing Al though I have worn it before. But to places where I'm partying it having a... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

If a guy cums too early when having sex. does this turn girls away from the guy?

I mean you can always just work on making it longer. It's not a helpless situation for the most part. Takes practice, love shouldn't change because of this reason lol Relationships

+1 y

Do You Like Chili?

YES my grandma still makes the best chilli I ever tasted. Bubble guts but well worth it. 💀💀💀😆😆😆😆 Food & Beverage

+1 y

Why don't men court women anymore?

Lol the guys I've dated and the guy I'm dating have courted me. My boyfriend still does. If he hasn't in a while she just forgot or something lol. Normally if I say we should have a date night... Relationships

+1 y

Who is more handsome? Henry Cavill or Jason Momoa?

Probably Jason. His love story with his wife is adorable. He has amazing humor and awesome grind in the industry. I don't know much cheaper about Henry, but I liked a lot of movies he's in.... Fashion & Beauty

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