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20 h

Would you cross this bridge?

Maybe if Ginger or Maryann were on rhe other side. Travel

1 d

Why would anyone STEAL this SIGN?

In college there my roommate and me were both on the Rugby team. There was a street in the city that was "Rugby Road" and one night after many beers we stole it. It lived in our room for a while... Travel

2 d

What’s your favorite animal to see at the zoo?

I was at the Bronx Zoo and they had an amazing Siberian Tiger exhibit. Travel

2 d

Why don't you take off your shoes when you come home?

I usually have to go outside afterwards or go to the basement. Besides, I like to have shoes on in case I have to move fast Travel

2 d

How often do you travel abroad?

I have never traveled abroad. I have been too busy working and raising a family to do much traveling. Now that I am getting ready to retire there are many places in America I want to see. Maybe I... Travel

2 d

Do you find the wilderness/country more "romantic" than the beach?

I spent a lot of time in Texas and Oklahoma. I liked it and would not mind going back someday but I grew up on the water and could not imagine living away from it. Travel

4 d

Most men I know 50 + have had enough of this country and are moving to the Phillipines or Thailand. Who is to blame in your opinion?

I know a guy that moved to Russia and another guy that moved to Panama. High taxes is mostly the reason but also the liberals. I won't be driven out of my own country. Travel

4 d

Have you ever travelled alone? How was your experience?

Yes, I bummed around the northeast by myself since I was 14. I would not recommend it today especially for a female. Travel

9 d

Why would you visit a haunted house?

I would visit because I always wanted to meet a ghost Travel

10 d

What type of SHIP do you prefer for a CRUISE?

I would never want to be on a floating petri dish where there are hundreds of people crammed into a little boat. Travel

13 d

How often do you go on holiday?

I have not had a vacation in 4 years. This year is not looking too good either. Travel

13 d

Would you visit Russia in 2024?

No there are so many places in America I want to see. Travel

14 d

Why do people travel abroad?

I think mostly so they can tell people they went to Europe Travel

15 d

Why is airbnb so expensive?

CAn you really name anything today that is not expensive? Why should AirBNB ne any different. Travel

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